Chapter 1 - That Faithful Day.

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Toya Aoyagi is an average student. He spends his days either in the library or in class. The only reason why he does this is because, as a matter of fact, nobody likes him. Nobody hates him, of course, he's just not very popular. He's popular with the teachers, but not with the students. Especially with the popular group of girls. They always call him ' nerdy ' and other crappy insults.
Today wasn't a normal day, though. Toya sat quietly in his music class. He was loved by all the music teachers, so he didn't have a difficult time in music.
" Right, everyone! "
The teacher clapped her hands loudly, everyone stopping what they were doing.
" Today is a very special day. We are doing a very big music project! "
Many groans could be heard. They sound like a chorus of dead birds, Toya thought.
" I would like you to work in partners for this one. Create any song, any type of song! " People started looking around the classroom to who they would partner with. Nobody looked at Toya nor.. his mortal enemy, Akito Shinonome.
Akito was extremely hated by everyone, nobody would want to partner with him. He was used to it, though.
" Ma'am. "
He walked towards the teacher.
" Yes Toya? "
" I do not have anyone to work with. "
" Ah! You could work with.. hm.. "
She scanned around the classroom and pointed into a random spot Toya couldn't quite see where she was pointing.
" You could work with Akito! "
Toya gasped quietly. There was no way in hell he was going to work with Akito, but he didn't want to be rude, so he nodded his head and sat next to Akito.
" The fuck do you want? "
Akito grunted.
" I.. have to work with you for this project. "
" Shit. " He muttered quietly.
" I'm upset aswell, your not the only one. "
" Does it look I care?! "
" .... No. "
They went silent for a minute.
" Sooo..? We are supposed to be planning, not shit talking eachother. Come on, what are we gonna do, genius? "
Toya thought for a minute.
" Classical, perhaps? "
" Wowww.. such a great idea.. "
He clapped in a sarcastic way.
" No it isn't. I hate classical. "
" Well, why don't we mix street music and classical? Like, a mix of what we both do? " Akito paused. He looked very taken aback.
" That's a great fuckin' idea, man. "
His eyes lit up happily. Toya had never seen him so happy, it surprised him.
" Why thank you. "
" So like, street music type lyrics, but classical music like.. in the back? "
" Yeah. "
" Hm. Alright. Meet at my house tonight. " He grabbed a piece of paper and write his address and phone number.
" Message me later today, okay? "
" Okay. "
The school day dragged on and on. By the end of the day, Toya was tired out already. He grabbed his phone and typed Akito's number into his phone.

Hello! This is Akito, correct?

He shoved his phone in his pocket and walked to his house. His phone buzzed momentarily.

yeah. this toya?

Yep! This is Toya.

home alone.
come over mine.

Okay. I'll be there.

Toya placed his phone in his pocket once more and set towards Akito's house. He knocked on the door loudly. He was greeted by Akito, as he expected.
" Hello. Warning, but uhm, we aren't friends. Remember that, okay?! "
" Uh-! Okay..? "
Akito forcefully grabbed his arm, pulling him to the garage.
" There's the piano you fucking ordered. " Akito huffed and looked away. Toya slowly sat down and played a small tune.
" Impressive.. I could make something out of that. Play it again. "
Toya played it once again like he asks. He lightly hummed to the tune. He played it continuously, so he could get into the rhythm. Then, Akito started to sing lightly. Toya was impressed by how nice his voice sounded. He sounds beautiful.. he thought. Wait! What am I talking about?! He shook off those feelings and went back to playing.
" Perfect! Absolutely perfect.. "
" Hm? "
" We'll totally win this! "
" There was a prize? "
" Yeah?? When is there not?! "
" Ahh.. also, you have a good singing voice. "
" Why, thank you. This is why we work so well! " He rethought his words. " Wait. Nevermind. I mean as in like.. music. Yeah. "
" Uhm. Okay.. anyway, what's the prize? "
" A voucher to whatever place you want AND an A+ in music all. Goddamn. Year. "
" It's not much. "
" Seriously?! Damnnn.. you must get everything. "
Akito grabbed a chair and sat next to him. " Play that again. "
" Huh? "
" Didn't you hear me? Play it again. "
" Oh! Okay, sorry. "
Akito grunted loudly. Toya did what he was asked and played it again.
" Hmmm. Okay. I'm hungry, I'm getting something to eat. You want anything? "
" Uhm, I'm fine. "
" Pfft. Your loss. "
He stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Toya all alone, by himself. He stood up and looked around the dark garage. Many pieces of discarded metal were thrown around the place, and Toya swore he saw some sort of rodent scurrying around the floor.
" Anything interesting? "
Toya turned around rapidly. Akito stood, a slice of cheesecake in hand.
" You.. may have a rodent problem. "
" Yeah. My dad needs to fix that. "
" Hm? Is your father a handy man? "
" ... I guess. "
" What does your mother do? "
Akito eyes went dark in an instant. He lightly shivered from that question.
" Are you okay? "
" ...I. My mother isn't a good person. "
" Oh. I'm sorry I asked. "
" It's okay. "
The ginger-haired boy still shook and his eyes were still dead, remembering everything.
" I didn't mean to ask that.. I just wasn't sure it was such a sensitive topic to you! "
" ... No, it's okay.. "
Toya sighed loudly. He wasn't going to get anything else out of him.
" T-Toya..? "
His voice seemed to quiver. It sounded like he was about to cry.
" Uhm, yes? "
Toya noticed tears welling up in his eyes. He wiped his tears, but he couldn't help himself from crying. He sobbed quietly.
" H-Hey-! "
Toya exclaimed. He pulled Akito into his warm embrace, making his face go red. His face was already red due to crying, but it just got redder.
" J-Just know we... Aren't friends.. b-because of thi-this! "
Akito whimpered in between sobs.
" I know. "
Toya started to play with his hair, thinking it might calm him down a little.

Then, in that moment, Toya started to realise how he truly felt about Akito. He didn't hate him, he just never understood him. If people were to actually talk and hang out with him, he would soften up to them.
Perhaps that was the truth? The truth he hadn't realised? Toya couldn't really even consider them enemies now.
He wanted to be friends. He really did.
He knew Akito wouldn't.
But who knows? Perhaps he feels the same.
But all they could do was stay in that moment, Toya comforting him and his sobs got quieter and quieter.

Hey! I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter. Other chapters will be coming out slowly but surely!! <3

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