About a night or two ago my friend Ellen stayed in town. Her mum and and friend were going to the strippers so after netball training we babysat he younger siblings.... They went to bed (and keep in mind this is actually a school night) so we watched a few movies.

We hopped onto the couch just before 11:00.

At around 11:00 Ellens mum, shaz*, came in and she goes "we brought strippers!"
Haha I was like bullshit and then two guys walked in followed by shazs' friend....
They were really good looking... Like really got and we got introduced to them and one of them pulled off his t shirt and then shaz showed us the others guys abs and oh my gawd.
Hahaha one was 19!!!! Only four years older than us!!
But yeah they were being noisy so Ellen and I relocated from the couch into the spare bedroom. We couldn't start giggling and laughing about everything.
Then the cat scared the crap out of us by making noises like scratching the mattress and jumping on our feet.
We were pretty tired as we went to sleep at one thirty 0.0
Anyway that was the night that we met two really good looking strippers!!

* = name changed

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