This guy in year one once,
Believe it or not,
Ring!!Yeah ikr
Anyway he had a major crush on me and whatnot and one time my dad and stepmum went to a party at his mums house or something so obviously he was there and so was a few other kids in our class (year 1 or 2 remember).
He asked me to watch a movie with him which was really sweet....
Except the DVD player wasn't working so we were like alright let's dance inside to some of this music.
And we ran down the hallway and slid across the floor with the other kids and he stood up and offered me a hand and I feel really bad....I kinda rejected him and stood up myself XD XD but it was a really really fun night because it was like mostly guys so I was like the only girl and it was pretty refreshing.
And whenever we ran around outside I got prickles in my long pants and my dad was getting annoyed with me...