Accepting Reality

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Hope's hand needed about 5 stitches, which she refused. She reasoned she had supernatural healing, so eventually her hand would fix itself.

Alaric seemed to accept her logic. Though he insisted she let the doctor wrap he hand in a bandage, because infections exist and would be very painful, even for a Tribrid.

"I called your Aunt Freya while you were getting checked out. She says she'll have your aunt or uncle compel a therapist for you to talk to every week."

"Thank you," Hope's eyes lowered to the ground.

"This kinda thing, is nothing to be ashamed about," Alaric assured her. "You know, the twins talk to someone regularly, it helps them deal with the darkness the Gemini Coven has left them with."

"Yeah, well I was left with centuries of darkness that started with Mikael and Esther."

"You might be descended from darkness, but there is good within you. From the moment I met you, I could see that you are the very best of Hayley and Klaus."

"Really?" Hope looked up at him.

"Really. You're smart, caring, passionate, strong, loyal. I am glad my daughter found you."

"Speaking of her, can I borrow your phone? I need to make a call."

Hope tried to call Josie first, no luck. Then she went on to call Lizzie.

"Hi, Dad," Lizzie answered the phone.

"Actually, it's Hope."

There was a noticeable pause before Lizzie responded with an annoyed, "What do you want?"

"Josie's not answering any calls. I need you to pass the phone so I can talk with her," Hope's voice was calm and level, much different from hours before.

"Don't you get it? Josie doesn't want to talk to you," Lizzie sighed. "She told me what you've been doing, how you've been hurting her. Plus, I've seen the bruises, so don't even try to deny it."

"I'm going to get help. It's not going to happen again," Hope pleaded. "Please, just let me speak with her and fix this."

"Listen closely, stay away from my sister. She's better off for it. Goodbye, Hope."

Hope heard the line go dead.

"How'd it go?" Alaric came back in to get his phone back.

"Uh, good. They're having a fun time with their mom," Hope lied.

Alaric smiled and took back his phone.

Hope disappeared into her room, pacing around in circles for hours in an attempt to distract herself from the thought that she just lost Josie.

Well, it didn't work because Hope couldn't get Lizzie's words out of her head. Her thoughts spiraled to the point where she thought maybe Lizzie was right, Josie would be better off if Hope just stepped back. Josie didn't deserve everything that Hope had put her through. Hope had to accept that this was the only way to protect her from more harm.

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