10: You're beautiful

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"Actually, you know what, I'm bringing you with me."


Elle watched as Ezra then made his way right back into the living room, crouching back down as his arms suddenly wrapped around Elle's slender figure, picking her up and carrying her down the hall with a surprised yelp coming from her. He was definitely getting much more comfortable around her, though even then, he still touched her as if she were the most delicate of porcelain.

"It all looks so different from up here..." She mumbled as they walked.

"Yeah?" He chuckled, shaking his head just a bit.

He then brought her into his room. It was big, bigger than his living room for some reason. And there was a fireplace. That's why he brought her in there. In front of it was some blanket and pillows as his tv was off to the side. He had lots of expensive stuff, it looked nice.

Ezra gently brought her down unto the pillows and blankets around the burning fireplace warming the room, there was a book laying off to the side, it seemed he was there a lot.
"Here, it's much warmer in here, kid."
He said as he was on his knees behind her, pulling the blanket back around her that he gave her earlier before standing up. Elle held the blanket close around her, suddenly feeling so warm and homey.

"I think..I have something that might make you feel better.." Ezra said as he walked over into a closet.

"What? " Elle asked, watching him pull something out of a closet and bring out what looked like...a hoodie! Her smile was uncontainable, giddy, like an excited child. It would smell like him... that thought alone made her jumpy with anticipation. Dang. She liked him too much for her own good.

Ezra sat down and handed it to her, showing another small smile. He was smiling more with her, she made him smile.  "You think this'll make up for a bad night?"

"Yes, I think this will!" She exclaimed and stood up. She very promptly put the hoodie on over her dress as Ezra watched with hands on his hips. The hoodie completely covered the dress and fell long passed her arms. She flopped the sleeves around and giggled like a child, making Ezra himself chuckle at the sight. So cute. "I love it!" She exclaimed and sat back down next to Ezra. His smile was burned into her brain.. it was lovely.

Little things made her happy. That's part of why her and Samual never worked. He would always go above and beyond for these grand gestures. The thing was, they had no meaning. They were just to keep her in line with him. But Ezra did little things. Giving her hoodies because he knows she likes them, smiling at her every now and again, letting her into his home. It held so much weight, so much intention. She was going to miss him when she had to leave..

"I-I'm glad, kid." He chuckled out, his hand running his hair back as his eyes glanced over at her.

"You know..Is it weird to you, that just last night we were strangers. And now we're friends?" She asked him, turning her body to face him. "I've never connected with someone so fast before.. it kind of scares me... does it scare you?" She asked barely above a whisper. He tilted his head to the side a bit, the question made him think.

Even if Elle hadn't really known Ezra that well..it seems that she came to the best person possible. He had no bad intentions with her, all he was doing was taking care of her because that's what she came here for. She was upset, and all he wanted was for her to not be so. He was definitely trying his best for sure. And it seemed that he was doing a good job so far.

"I'm..not sure.." He said with a shrug, he didn't think much of it at all. Eventually, hr shook his head as he then sighed and looked up at the ceiling.  "After my family was killed..I-..I was afraid of ever finding someone to just..be there for me." He confessed, taking a moment to pause before he then continued.

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