Snowed In

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*this will be a short chapter due to me moving out for my college semester holiday break. I'm going to be home soon :)*

Taija sat in a chair tied to it, it was horrible was done by Cisco. Gary and Nowhere stood close to Taija, Nowhere was inspecting Taija while Gary was on his tablet

"Okay this is stupid. Can you let me go?" She said. "No, we're trying to figure what's with you. Gary, anything?" Nowhere stated

"Well..." Gary looked like he wanted to say something. Taija watched his eye movements "Gary, what is it?" Taija asks

"Are you sure you removed everything from your body that would activate Ghost?" He questioned. "I removed the chip my dad installed on my ear when we fought SH1FT3R but that was it." She says

"It says here that a pulse is coming from your brain" Gary showed her the tablet. Taija was confused "So you're saying that my dad put a backup chip in my brain?"

Gary nodded his head "It could be a possibility.".  Taija scoffs then sighed "How can I be so stupid? Why didn't I think of that?"

"We can get it out for you, with the proper tools of course" Nowhere told her. "Tools? Oh hell no, you are not taking apart my brain" Taija said

"Then how else are we going to do it? We can't have you with us killing people everywhere we go" Nowhere said with no remorse

Taija knew she was right, she needed to do something or someone might get hurt. "I'll figure something out, okay?" She sighed. "Well it better be quick because no more blood is getting on my hands...technically yours but you know what I mean" Nowhere talked

"Does that mean I can get out of these ropes?" Taija pleaded. Nowhere looked like she didn't want to but she did "Yeah." Nowhere made Gary untie Taija from her seat. "Go with the others, we'll figure out what to do with you later"

Taija walked uncomfortably to the common room where everyone was waiting on her. Tony was the first to stand up "How was it?" He asked. "Gary said my dad implanted a backup chip in my brain and I didn't know about it" She explained

"You didn't know? You're an ex-assassin!" Echo was confused. "That's the same thing I said" Taija sighed. "So you were Ghost this whole time and you haven't triggered it or anything?" Layla started to ask

"I guess not. But no worries, I have no plans to go berserk on any of you" Taija made sure of that. Everyone takes a look at each other, Taija noticed this "What?"

"Taija...we love you, we do but are we sure we can trust you now that you found out that you have a chip implanted in you?" Frostee questioned. "Wait, you all thought about this?" Taija looked at all of her friends

None of them answered. She finally looked at Cisco and Tony "You guys too?" She felt sad. "I opposed, of course." Cisco added. "I don't agree with it, I really don't but you do need help." Tony touched Taija's shoulder

"Are you fucking kidding me? You think that I need help? I can take control over my emotions just well..." As Taija ranted, her eyes flickered gold. She calmed down once she realized what she was doing "Fine. What do you suggest?"

"I suggest a therapy session or visiting the rehabilitation center" Layla tried to help. "I refuse to let entitled white people tell me how to handle my mental health. I've already been through therapy" Taija tells them

"Well, you have to do something or else anyone could be in danger" Nowhere came out of the control room. "Now wait, shouldn't she get to decide what she wants to do. She doesn't have to get help" Echo defended Taija

"But who are we willing to put in danger?" Nowhere said. "But she's just a kid and she's a mother" Gary says. "Which puts Tyson in more trouble" Nowhere responded. "Tyson is in safe hands, he's my son too, he's not in danger!" Tony spoke up

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