3rd person

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So Todoroki and Y/N kept on meeting everyday, the same time place and the same way by Todoroki alwayst throwing pebbles into the water, and getting hit in the face. So Y/N kept on showing Shoto things that sirens do, and Todoroki kept on showing Y/N things that humans do they both absolutely loved spending time together.

Tho they always kept it a secret they were also falling in love with each other every time they were hanging out with each other, tho they always tried to push the feelings away, considering it was forbidden love for a human including a royal to fall in love with such a vicious creature such as a siren, and for a siren to fall in love with such a greedy thing such as a human.

Tho with Y/N she had never thought that a human or that she has ever met a human so gentle and caring as Shoto has been to her, and Shoto has never met a siren or has never thought that he would ever meet a siren that is as majestic, and as kind that she has been. it's been about 5 months ever since they started meeting each other and Shoto decided to finally confess his feelings.

Todoroki's POV
I woke up ready for what I'm about to do tho I was obviously really nervous, I got ready for the day had breakfast and I left right away to meet her, and I ran to the place where we have been meeting each other for the past 5 months.

So he threw the pebble in the water he smiled right when he saw that exact same pebble getting flinged at him, this  time he was able to avoid it, "DAMN IT" I heard from the water I just chuckled, and then i saw her face just poke out of the water.

She had the most disappointed face ever, it was pretty funny. she came to me I kneeled down just looking at her in the eyes, "Y/N" I started softly "mhm?" She hummed I took a deep breath "I love you".

She had a shocked face, I could tell she was freaking out inside, I was freaking out myself. I cannot believe I just did that myself, it just slipped out we were just silent for like 20 seconds, even tho it felt like and eternity. before I felt her grab my royal uniform, bring me in the cold water and kiss me, while still gripping on my uniform.

"I love you" Shoto said, 'OH MY FUCKING GOD DID HE ACTUALLY JUST SAY THAT I NEVER THOUGHT THAT ANY OF US WOULD EVER SAY THAT', there were just so many emotions that were going on in me. 20 long seconds passed and I finally made the first move, I grabbed the front of his royal uniform brang him into the water, and I wrapped my tail slightly around his body, and I was just kissing him. I was shocked at my own actions, then he wrapped his arms around me and I had my hands on his cheeks, then I opened my eye's and took a beep breath.

'Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something...OH SHIT HUMANS CANT BREATH UNDERWATER', I swam him out of the water and he kept on taking heavy breaths "I AM SO SORRY I FORGOT THAT HUMANS CAN'T BREATH UNDERWATER" 'damn it he's going to be so angry at me damn it'. I heard little chuckles before he started actually laughing like crazy, I've never seen him like this before it was so cute, I could feel myself blushing like crazy and i was uncontrollably smiling he just looked at be with those beautiful blue and grey eyes, "it's fine" he said he was smiling like crazy "geez that was the best experience of my life", his hair was dripping wet it was kinda hot to be honest.

Then something happened that interrupted everything and that sucked all the fun and happiness out of our worlds we saw a guard standing there.

Todoroki's POV
I just had my first kiss with Y/N and it was the most amazing feeling in the entire world but then, Y/N suddenly stopped laughing I followed her gaze to see a guard, just standing there in utter shock then he ran away. I was in complete disbelief I got up and started running to him but he got to my father first.

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