Chapter 9

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Chapter 9.

-- Jess’s POV --

It’s been two days since that day at the hospital. The day in which I found out that I am a werewolf, that my brothers, Jake and Noah are werewolfs and that I am Noah’s mate. So naturally I’ve locked myself in my room for the past two days to think. I think my brothers and Noah are worried because I haven’t talked to them since the day that I left the hospital. After Noah told me that we needed to have sex to be fully mated I kind of… froze. I mean it’s not that I don’t want to be his mate (trust me I do) its just that until then I was still what I like to call a lip-virgin and then I find out that I am meant to have sex with someone soon. I mean who doesn’t freak out about that?!?

Someone knocking on my door interrupted my internal rambling. Why do they keep doing that? It’s locked for a reason.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“its Jake. Open up Jess!” yaay! Jakey-boy! Maybe he can help me with my problem. I mean what’s better than a gay person to discuss your love life with? I quickly jumped off my bed and opened the door, only to have Jake practically fall on me.

“Owwww!!” I screamed as I lay on the floor. “Jake get off me you’re heavy!!”

“Coming, coming! Jeez. Sorry. I didn’t think you would open the door.” I quickly stepped to the side so that Jake could walk into the room.

He was wearing a blue Abercrombie t-shirt, some black shorts and black nikes. He looked stunning which was more than could be said for me. I was wearing my comfiest pair of sweat pants (which happened to be really old and a faced blue color) and a white tank top, which had a hole that showed my belly button. Yeah, not my prettiest clothes.

“So why do I have the privilege of entering your domain, me lady?” Jake asked in a bad imitation of a British accent while sitting on my bed.

“Well you see… I am kind of dreading going outside and talking to my brothers and Noah. “

“But why?” Jake asked confusedly. So I told him. Everything. I was telling him about what Noah said at the hospital when I was interrupted by a sharp pain on my side, right under my rib cage. I started gasping for air and went to grab my side to see what had happened but suddenly the pain went away. Jake looked at me weirdly but said nothing about it. I must have imagined it, I thought.

As I carried on with my story, I was interrupted once again by a sharp pain at the side of my head. While trying to keep calm and praying that the pain would go away, I heard the softest whisper inside my head.

At first I couldn’t understand what the voice was saying but then I realized that whoever it was, was repeating my name over and over.

“Jess…Jess…Jess…Jess….” Its sounded like….Noah.

I started to panic. I quickly turned to face Jake who had a weird expression on his face. As I was about to open my mouth to ask him weather he heard that too, the door to my bedroom flew open and my three brothers stumbled in with looks of worry on their faces. Then they all started talking at one.

“The hospital called”  “There was a car crash”  “Noah was involved in a car crash”

I put two and two together. Noah had been in a car crash and me being his mate had felt everything that he was feeling, even if it was only for a few seconds.

Thoughts started rushing through my head. Is he ok? How bad are his injures? Will he be ok? I could concentrate. What if he died and I never got to see him again? What if he died without knowing that I wanted to be his mate?

The only thing that I knew for sure was that I needed to get to the hospital.

And fast.

So… how was it? Did you guys like it?

Starting today I have two full weeks of holidays, so ill upload a lot :)

Ill try upload later on today (it’s 18:15 here in Germany) or tomorrow. It depends.

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Marina ;)

Me, my werewolf mate and my three overprotective brothers.Where stories live. Discover now