The Captain's Wrath And A False Hope

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Sorry I've been busy with f2f class 😟

The Captain's Wrath And A False Hope

Somewhere in the new world*

(Shanks pov)

It's almost been a year since I last saw luffy
The wind was strong today I touched my head to secure the hat-..... the hat right it was given to luffy...In ten years he's gonna build a storm.

That little kid who wants to be pirate king.

Ahhhh I wonder what makino-san is doing right now it could-

"BOSS! BOSS!" Just great.

"What is it?!" I shouted back as I looked towards Ben he was panting maybe he ran here?..... weird Ben never ran tho.

He gave me a den den mushi it showed makino's face.


What. The. Hell

"'s luffy!" she said on the other line.

"Luffy? what happened to him??" I asked curiously...waiting patiently for an answer.

I could here makino crying.

I was eager to know what was going on!
but what she said next made me see red.

"Luffy's gone! A noble found him and gave him to the celestial dragons...! it's been six months!" she cried out.


NO... NO... NO!
That... That can't be true.

I Accidentally dropped the den denso it got disconnected.

But I didn't give a single fuck.

Luffy's like my child
(Fun fact:Self proclaimed father of luffy)

I rushed through the forest of the island we were currently on.. Ben tailing after me.

After we called everyone we set sailed.

I don't know what happened..

But I do know! Two certain celestial dragon
Had visited dawn island.

Saint Jerald and Saint Carlo
(I don't even know.)

Saint Carlo had visited the island 7 months ago from what I remembered so he's out of the picture.


Saint Jerald is a different matter, he doesn't like children's.
But neither does he kill them.

He would most likely order he's guards to sell the boy in an auction house.

We are currently on our way back to the start of the new world *Sabaody* (Correct me if I'm wrong!) hopefully the one we are looking for is there it might take 2 or 3 months to get there..

Luffy... hold on.... we're coming!

(Time skip cuz I'm lazy ⌚)

Still Shanks pov

2 months and a half..

We're on our way to tha auction house ben already prepared and counted all the money and treasures we had.

524 million

I don't care if we had to spend it all.

Luffy... The last person i wanted to see all beat and bloody.

I sighed again for what like a million times.

As we sat down people we're afraid i mean..

Who wouldn't? A pirate with 2 billion Berries on his head was sitting in a auction house.

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