Hatching (Updated)

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Amethyst's POV:

  Flexing my claws, I peeled off a part of my eggshell. The piece fell off and a ray of light shone through. Motivated by the little success, I slammed my front claws against the eggshell, causing it to break with a loud 'crack'. 

  I tumbled out and for the first time, took a look at the outside world. Bushes surrounded me, the deep emerald leaves serving as hiding places. My feet clawed against the soft brown soil. Four other velociraptors were wrestling at one side, their scales varying from green to amber to grey. Two were green, one was brownish-yellow and the last one was grey with a sapphire streak down its back. 

  Immediately,  I noticed the differences between my siblings and myself. Their claws were gleaming ebony whilst mine were a deep shade of lavender. I was a dark grey like one of my sisters with a bright purple streak trailing down my  back. Amethyst scales flecked my sides like violet stars against a stormy night sky.

  Hesitantly, I approached my sisters and introduced myself.

  "Hi..." I trailed off, unsure of how to introduce myself. As far as I knew, I did not have a name.

  The other raptors beamed at me and a leafy green velociraptor greeted me, "Hi! I am Charlie. This is Delta, Echo and Blue. What's your name?" 

  The amber one, Echo, sniffed haughtily, "Charlie, you dummy. She's only just hatched. Obviously she wouldn't have a name yet."

  She turned to me and gave me a small smile, " You see the human over there? He is our alpha and he named us. To get your name, go and find him. He'll give you something to eat as well. You must be famished."

  I was. My stomach roared loudly like an angry or perhaps hangry beast. Quickly saying a thank you, I dashed off to the human. He was large and looked at me with kind eyes. His eyes widened with shock at my colour, but it flickered away after awhile. He took out a piece of meat and tossed it to me and I snapped it up ravenous. Tracing my tongue over my sharp fangs, savouring the warm, foresty taste, I grinned at him.

  Reaching out a hand, he scractched my throat. Had it been anyone else, I would have snarled and bitten his hand off, however, I felt strangely at ease with him and I purred with contentment.

  After a while, he retracted back his hand and said, "We have to think of a name for you."

I gazed at him with anticipation, my lilac eyes glowing excitedly.

"What about Amethyst?" He asked. I growled with agreement. It matched me perfectly, with my purple scales claws and all. I squeaked with thanks before dashing back to my siblings. I boasted about my new name and we began to wrestle playfully, determining our rankings in the pack. I nipped at Charlie's tail before headbutting Blue and whacking Delta upside the head with my front claw.

  However, as we play-foughted, I couldn't help but wonder to myself, "I have a name now. But does Alpha?"

Word count: 520 words

A/N: Hi everyone, Skyfall here. Updated version of 'Hatching is done! Also I was searching fr Blue pictures and absolutely fell in love with this one. Credits to the artist, it is adorable.

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