Chapter One

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Another man would consider it as one of those days were everything just goes wrong but to Louis Tomlinson it just a typical Friday evening. He refused to admit it but even for his scale, it was just a bad day. He wanted to crawl back in his bed, which really is just a fancy name of the mattress of his sad excuse of an apartment.

Louis stood in front of his locker in the back of the café, clothes soaking wet after the Oh so very nice police car happened to drive dangerously aligned with the sidewalk and offer him a cold shower that he doesn’t think he earned. He changed into his spare clothing, a pair of burgundy trousers that fall short on his ankles and a plain white shirt that might not be even his and a navy apron hugging his waist.

He was welcomed by Hanna’s loud voice that meant one thing. Danielle wasn’t in today. Danny was in almost everyday since Louis took the job, which made Louis’s life a lot easier because Danny had loyal customers that just didn’t do well with other waiters.

“Danny took the week off, Liam caught chicken pox”. He heard Hanna calling from behind the cashier desk.

“Judging by the fact that your voice can be heard five blocks away, I already knew”. A playful smirk played on his lips because really Hanna was just too much of an annoying little sister of his than a friend.

“Oh is that so?” she raised her voice as high as her eyebrow is raised “You can have all Danny’s regulars just for that. Table 1 to 6. You don’t need to thank me darling”.

Louis let out a whimper and scanned the tables. He was familiar with all the faces. Old Mr. and Mrs. Gardner who were a bitter couple if he is allowed to say so, Nick the guy who keeps drawing on napkins, amazing pieces of arts but the café has been running low on napkins all thanks to him, a couple of other faces and …and Harry, Harry Styles.  

Now, Louis knew Harry Styles. He went to the institution next to his university, which was kept for the smarty pants kids that Louis would never belong too. His bum is too big for the pants anyways. The girls of Louis’s university fussed about Harry all the time. Standing near the gates just to get glimpses of the beautiful seventeen year old arriving early in the morning. Louis must say he never heard him speak and yet he had the popularity of a pop star. He reckons it’s the air around him.

 Harry’s family came into town less than a year ago so the boy never went to school or socialized with the rest. He didn’t go to the club at the end of street or the arcade in the next block. He spent all his time in Café Des Mots.

 Now Harry was Danielle’s regular. In the few first weeks Louis thought he was brick, mainly because the obvious reason. He was a gorgeous man that spoke to no one. Shook his head whenever girls approached him. But the affection that Danielle gave him, the little waves he made whenever a child passes him and the shy smile he supported changed Louis’s heart or mind as he likes to claim.

So basically Harry was quite. Louis could swear he never heard him speak. He wasn’t full of himself or anything. He was just quite and it just added to the air surrounding him. Louis might have been harboring a little crush on the curly boy but he’d never admit to that. With those thoughts running in his head, he grew a bit nervous approaching the beautiful boy so he saves him for last.

Having checked up on the five tables, Louis let his eyes wander to the curly mess in the corner. Dim light reflecting on the boy’s soft features while raindrops taint the window’s glass next to him. The boy was a still painting on the wall. Louis considered for a little the possibility of seeing Harry’s face in magazines where it belongs.  

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