Chapter Two

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Louis never took himself of a saint but he’d think he would have the decency to take it all in with more grace. The events of the night before come rushing back. Harry writing those words, the cup shattering on the floor, but what takes the crown is the hurt in the green orbs. Harry’s eyes staring intensely at Louis’s with a lot of pain and disappointment. It’s as if he is so used to being in this state that he doesn’t bother hiding it anymore.

Louis doesn’t really know how was he supposed to react to that. He leans down, gathers the broken glass, mops the floor and makes another cup of tea that was never touched. All while he tries to process what just happened.

Louis thinks nothing in this world is perfect, because Harry isn’t. Because Harry is beautiful, smart and kind but he can’t speak. He can’t hear either. How is it that Louis never connected the dots? He stared at the boy for months yet he was blind to it.

But harry is perfect. He is beautiful and kind. And Louis just wants to be his voice and ears.

Louis doesn’t see Harry in the café the next day and he can’t hide that he is quiet alarmed at his absence. He really wants to ask Danny if something is wrong but he doesn’t. That particular day he mops the floors more than necessary all while staring at table six.

Louis doesn’t see Harry the next day either so he doesn’t go to sleep that night. He counts little teacups and cupcakes because Harry is like a cupcake. He is sweet and his curls looks like icing. He imagines what world Harry lives in. How does he interact with people? How many friends has he got? If he was born this way or not? If he liked cheese on top of his pasta or if he enjoyed spicy food as much as Louis did? He wondered if Harry would like to meet the four girls and if he’d enjoy their company?  

Louis never gets out of bed before 9:45 because his classes don’t start before 10:00 but he wakes up the next day at 7:30 to talk a walk. He just happens to pass the university and lingers by the gate that connects Harry’s institute to it. Girls chatter around him. A group of them is being really loud teasing a girl about how she should approach Harry because she is the prettiest of them all and she just might get her man. Louis dares to think that they are mistaken, because Harry is his man and lets be clear here Louis’s bum can take her bum any day of the week.

The chatter grows louder and Louis knows why. He sees the neat curls approaching. Shoulders hunched, eyes fixated on the ground, he avoids the crowd. He makes a little bit of eye contact with the group of mentioned girls and he released the ghost of a smile. Louis never thought his heart can ache this much for another’s sadness but it does. Harry Styles should never frown, never be sad, never get upset or gods forbid cries. It wasn’t right. Not because his was deaf. Not because his was mute. It’s because he is Louis’s Harry.

On the third day, Louis is running late and soaked as usual. Only he isn’t complaining as much as used to. He changes his clothes and goes to help out in front. He waits on Sally, a nice old lady that he helps during spring-cleaning every year, while checking out the crowd. Danny’s tables are packed as usual. He hesitantly glances towards table 6 trying not to give himself any false hopes. And there he is, Curls neat, smile almost restored as he leans in over his notebook. He is wearing a white dress shirt and grey cardigan falls heavily on his shoulders. A burgundy pants shaping his legs. Louis’s heart almost skips a beat because he is here. Happy, healthy and glowing.  

He doesn’t know where he got the courage from. Five minutes ago he didn’t have balls to tell Mr. jerk on table 8 to shove it. All the crap about the muffin being not warm enough when it’s burning to the touch is just absurd. But he grows balls finding his legs leading the way. He only realizes that he must be really rude, sitting down across of the boy without asking permission to. But he doesn’t apologize. He sits there, eyes meeting for longer than they should. The chair is comfy, comfier than any other in the shop. The view is beautiful and he is not even looking out the window.

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