Chapter 12

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"Shut that fucking thing off," Teddy growled as the sound of the ringer of Arizona's phone blares through their room. She quickly jumps down off the side of their bunk, not bothering to use the ladder, and quickly answered it. 

"Hello," she says tiredly into the receiver.

"Good morning, Dear. Its Mom," the caller answers.

"Well yeah, I have caller I.D you know," Arizona says, laughing at her mother's words.

"Arizona Marie, no need to be rude," her mom said, "I was just calling to wish you a very happy birthday,"

"Thanks, Mom," Arizona answers, "but if you want to make it a happy one, come and get me,"

"Why? The school year isn't over yet," she said, "is something going on over there? Are they not treating you right?"

"Everything is fine. Everyone is being really nice," Arizona says, rolling her eyes. Teddy rolls over to where she was now facing the smaller blonde and gives her a smirk.

"Yeah, especially Lieutenant Torres," teddy teased, making kissing sounds at her bunkmate.

"Shut up," Arizona whispered, through gritted teeth.

"Arizona, that is not how you are supposed to speak to your mother," her mother scolds again for the second time.

"I wasn't talking to you mom. I was talking to my bunkmate," 

"Oh, okay, well-" 

"Arizona and Callie sitting in a tree...." Teddy began to sing.

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" she growls, not paying attention to whatever her mom was saying.

"Arizona!" Mrs. Robbins scolded again.

"Mom, I'm sorry, but I have to go," Arizona says, giving Teddy a death glare, "my bunkmate is about to die," The shorter blonde quickly hang up and snatch Teddy's pillow out from under her head and began hitting her with it.

"hey, that's not fair, that's my pillow you're hitting me with," 

"Yeah, well it's the only one closest to me right now," she growls, taking another swing at her, but miss.

"You swing like a girl, Robbins," she laughs, trying everything she can to dodge Arizona's blows. She swings once more and nails her square on the stomach, "ow, shit, that hurt," she grabs hold of her stomach and scrunches up into a ball. Arizona instantly drops the pillow and rushes to her side.

"I'm sorry, Teds, I didn't mean to hurt you," Still holding her stomach, Teddy just looks up at her and smiles.

"Ha! Gotcha!" she laughs, getting up from her bed, "Come on! We need to get up if we're going to get breakfast from the cafeteria," 

"You bitch!" Arizona says through gritted teeth. 

"Oh, happy birthday, by the way, you're officially an adult," 

"Yeah. Yeah," Arizona just waves her off, then grabs a change of clothes so they could get changed. By the time they got there, there was already a long line. 

"Who let the hogs out?" Teddy bluntly blurted out. Arizona just laughs as they made their way to the line behind Cristina and Meredith.

"Oh, Robbins, Altman, good morning," Meredith greeted, "Robbins, I hear you're officially an adult?"

"You would be correct," Arizona quickly replied with a smile.

"Good, now you can start acting like one," Yang spits out. Arizona gives the woman a dirty look.

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