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Yn opens her eyes , she was in bedroom laying on bed she turned her left side he was sitting there holding her hand .

She yanked his hand away , and sat up on bed he was stoping her but she didn't listen to him .

" Where were you don't you know what time is it , you you left me here all alone i was worried about you how could you do that to me " , she cried in fear holding her cloth .

" I am sorry i am really sorry yn i will never do that again please forgive me please " , he wipes her tears .

"Where were you are you mad at me tell me please " , she cried holding his hands.

"No , i would never do that i got stuck in traffic taxi wasn't available so i was coming by walking "

Yn looked his whole body like she was searching of something , her hands were shivering she touched that spot where she saw the blood before she fainted , he hissed in pain and hold her hand .

" I am ok yn trust me now take rest , I'll go get you food ok "

She didn't leave his hands and shook her head , " show me your wound "

" It was just scratch yn i am all ok , look at me "

"I said show me , don't make me repeat myself "

He removed his t-shirt there was a long and deep wound , yn covered her mouth while crying .

" H-h-how it happened " , she asked her voice came like a whisper.

" Iron rod " , he said covering his wound with t-shirt .

" Let's go to doctor please " , " yn it's raining outside we can't go , I'll go tomorrow don't worry don't stress yourself "

"You're the one who's making me worried you should think about yourself for the sake our baby , i am not strong enough without you please you should know about this "

"I'll take care of myself , i won't make you worried and you don't tell this to anyone ok i just told them it's just a scratch hmm " , yn nodded to him and stood up from bed .

" I am going to bring food please lay down " , he nodded to her.

She gave him painkiller and she also took her pills .

" Should I clean this " , she asked to him he shook his head .

" You should not look at this yn you sleep I'll clean ok "

"No , you lay down I'll clean " , she insisted him so he laid there , she was cleaning and her left hand was touching his right chest , he forgot his pain for that time he was controlling himself to do anything so he just held her hand making her stop .

" Don't do that " , he said she looked him in confusion .

" What I did i am just cleaning "  , she asked .

" Don't touch my chest go and wash your hands " , he said looking somewhere else.

"You all boys are always like this , or you're the unique one "

"What do you mean by that " , he asked raising his brows .

"You know what i mean " , she said .

He sat on bed looking at her seriously.

" You just know and , i feel there's a big difference in it you can't feel now what i am feeling , i am a man and your husband , sorry but if you'll touch me like this on my chest then you should know what is happening to my body with your touch and , i don't want to do anything that you hate or don't want so , it's better for you to stress less think less just rest ok , i don't need to clean this I'll sleep like this , I'll visit doctor tomorrow ok hmm "

"I am sorry " , said yn and went to washroom to wash hands and came back from bathroom , she laid beside him maintaining the gap .

" Do you hate me yn " , he asked looking at her who was covering herself .

" No " , she said looking at him directly in eyes .

He nodded and closed his eyes thinking it's gonna be ok , just do what your responsibilities requires .

Yn was sleeping he woke up before her and washed her clothes , because of her pregnancy she wasn't able to do anything so he did and called Misha for drying .

He took bath somehow , and got ready for job wound was hurting , but he can't take leave everyday he already took one .

Yn woke up in the meantime when he was leaving the room .

" Where are you going " , she asked him he was tieing his watch .

" Job and I'll visit doctor don't worry " , he informed and went to her he , touched her forehead it was fine.

" Go and fresh up I'll tell Misha to prepare juice for you , hmm and take your vitamins on time I'll call you you've to recieve my calls ok "

"I'll recieve , you too take care of yourself please come on time , you can inform me if you're coming late right .

" I'll inform you go to washroom now "  , saying that he helped her to stood up , he carried her to bathroom without looking at her , because he can understand her expression that time .

" I am leaving " , he told her she nodded but he was just standing infront of her.

" Can I touch your stomach for a sec , then I'll leave "

She held his hand putted on her stomach .

He was touching her stomach he was feeling wonderful that time , but she was looking at him confused .

" The baby won't kick are you waiting for kick " , she asked laughing , he nodded smiling to her .

" It'll take time ok " , he nodded and left her there .

Once telling Misha all the things he left from home .

" Did you have your lunch and medicine " , he asked through call .

"Yes a minute ago "  , she replied and asked him the same question.

" I am leaving school i am going to visit the doctor take care "

"You too " , she said

"Why did you wash clothes " , she asked as he was changing his clothes.

" We should share work because we're sharing our life " , he said buttoning his shirt.

"And  you don't need to do clothes I'll do from today ok , it's the least i could do with help of washing machine hmm "

She didn't said anything just looking at him when he looked her , she just nodded .

" Medicine "  , he asked she closed her eyes like she forgot , he smiled a bit and made her take the medicine then he laid .

" Good night " , he said and closed his eyes she responded him .

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