Investigation proceeds

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Vishal's journal.....

(Yesterday I went with inspector Vikram to Aasha's house but his behaviour made her angry.)

The next day.....
In the morning.

"It's a really serious matter Paras, please understand." Oh! Why is this man so adamant. He is my last hope now. I cannot lose Aasha as I lost Amla. I just can't. 

"Look Vishal, I can't just reopen a seven year old case on basis of a mere doubt. There are two more reasons to it - firstly it's a case that was handled by my senior, reopening the case would be disrespectful to him; secondly, there was no one in the Roy Mansion yesterday as well, you were there too; weren't you?"

"Man, they could have hid somewhere easily!"

"We want proof, no theories. But still I suggest you to go to Vikram sir, it was his case so he can reopen it."

"Paras; when you can't help me even after being my brother then how do I expect help from that pervert! Still; still I took him to Aasha's house and you know what he did, I was so ashamed."

"Calm down Vishal, this is a police sation and you are talking of a reputed man. Mind your language young man."

"Oh really! First ask that man to mind his behaviour."

"Whose behaviour are you guys talking about?"

There came a voice from behind. Vikram was showing off his red smile that made me even more irritated. And my professional brother stood up to salute him. I can't understand how does he bear with his behaviour.

Still trying to remain calm I said, "No one sir; I was just requesting Paras to reopen the Roy's case."

"Roy's? ...... oh the beaut..... lady you made me meet yesterday? She needs help?"

Oh God why can't I just kill him!

"Yes sir, please; if you'll give permission, I am sure it'll help. I request you to let Paras reopen the case."

I would never bow down in front of such a person but I badly needed to do this. I know the abilities of Paras, he is the only one who can help us, I know Aasha doesn't want me to, but until this case is solved, I would not be able to sit quietly.
It's hardly a week since I met her but it seems as if I have been knowing her  for ages, this is because she is exactly like Amla. That is why anna and Bhavika are so fond of her.

My chain of thoughts was broken by inspector Vikram, "Alright, we didn't get enough time to examine the case that time, I think Paras you should reopen it. After all I can do at least this much to help my most honest officer's brother."

I can't believe this man can be so sensible, "Thank you! Thank you so much sir!"

"See, I told you to ask him, you can call him whatever but he really understands."


"So, let's start with this new venture."

"But it takes so much time in only searching the case files and all."

"Yes it surely does, but you know just like I came two years ahead of you in this world; the same way I am always two steps ahead of you in everything."

I shot him a confused look.
"Oho... I have already got the files and read them."

"You knew he would agree!"

"Of course." He said smiling. How can a person be so perfect. I am proud of my bro.
So, the investigation started. As soon as he saw their death certificates, he said that they all were fake except Mrs. Roy's. But Aasha met Mrs. Roy too. How was it possible? He then showed to me Ketan Roy's photo and hell yes! Aasha was right, the magician was Ketan Roy itself.

He was pretending to be dead and maybe the other family members too. Next we went to know more of this magician and the organizers told us that Ketan was working with them since seven years as 'Jadoogar Maya", every month they have his magic show in different parts of Vishakhapatnam.

I told Paras to get to the Roy Mansion at once and grab all of them but he said, "They are Magicians bro, they know very well how to hide. We want a proof."

"And how will we find that."

"There must be someone who connects them to the world outside and helps them hide. We just need to find him or her to solve the case. Rest will all be done."

And we found him; when the entire team waited outside the Roy mansion for four hours, we noticed an old man who would go inside the house again and again, once he went in with a bag full of vegetables and came out shouting, "Oh I heard someone inside, a lot of cattle take shelter here so I gave them the vegetables to eat."
Really? Haha... he was trying to shake off suspicion.

We asked one of the locals standing there and he said, " Yes sir this man is quite eccentric, when it was dark, he went running in there and the lights switched on immediately, on coming out, he shouted, 'Oh, that is very important to switch on at least one light in such a big mansion or else it looks haunted.' and chuckled to himself."

Paras signalled all of us to return to the van, on sitting there, he stretched out his arms, and said, "We have found him! Ha!"

"Why didn't we capture him?"

"Proof! Young man proof! How many times shall I remind you? If we would capture him right now, you have already heard his excuses, then would have been forced to leave him and before we find any proofs against him, he would run away. All hardwork would be wasted."

"Oh yes, you are correct."

So we found out proofs against him. It was a hectic task. We got to know that the electricity bill of the mansion was paid by some Ajay Singh, this was the same old man. Also he brought a lot of groceries every month for at least five - six people but he lived all alone.

We asked one of the neighbours about it, she said, "Sir don't suspect that poor man, he actually had got a huge shock since the entire Roy family died, he worked there. Even after their death he keeps going to the mansion, even switches on the lights of the mansion everyday and pays the bill for it."

By this time it was evening; Paras continued the investigation while I returned home as I had a lot of office work I had to complete.
Aasha called me and told that anna was hypnotized and that she would require me the next day to cure him. She also told me that I had to provoke him against Karthik. I hope that her plan works out well.

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