So soon? Why?

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I can hardly believe I was able to control myself throughout this time. Yet this composure was broken when I saw Karthi at the clinic today. I was running away from him because I knew this would happen. When he said, "Let's talk." I don't know what got into me, I couldn't just control anymore.

Aashu..... why did you do so? I miss you so much and now Sameer is in the same condition, that time I didn't know what you were going through but I knew about Sameer still I wasn't able to do anything for him. I don't know why, but the age old wounds seemed so fresh today. Yet I have to understand it.
"You know what, death is the ultimate truth. No one can stop it. What we can do is try our best and I saw you doing the same yesterday. You risked your own safety by going there yesterday. Moreover, if Sameer dies, he will be free from all the pain he is enduring right now."
Karthi's words no doubt comforted me and I decided I will do my best and leave the rest on fate.

After two hours of long sleep I feel fresh. I looked at my phone and was amused at the weird profile picture appa has put on his whatsapp. I don't know when will he learn how to take selfies. Oh yes! I should call him. There was a long time, probably a week since I last called him.

"Hey appaa! Pranaam! How are you? Where are you? I'm sorry I was unable to call you, it was a busy week."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Slow down girl. God bless you. And lower down your pace a bit, you are young and full of energy but I am an old man and really tired; don't know when these riots will come to an end and we policemen will live peacefully. Ough!....... well, it seems you are too happy as Karthi has come."

"Oh really appa? He is more of a trouble. Leave him... tell me how are you?"

"I am at my best, in Hyderabad, full of enthusiasm and work. But I am badly missing you."

"Ye....yes.... me toooo." As I recalled the events that took place lately making a tear drop from my eyes.

"It's okay dear..... soon I'll fetch some time and come to meet you."

"Really!" This is called a good news!

"Yes, my child. But now I need to go, you know Commissioner sir right? Meet me soon! Bye!"

"Bye appa, take care and don't do too much work."
I felt my power returning. My appa is my strength. I still remember how I would threaten all bullies at school and college that my appa is a police officer and that was enough to control them, after all he has got some good reputation nearly equal to 'Singham'. Sometimes I would even make them do my homework! But appa doesn't know it. I wish I could threaten my life's problems the same way.

"Hey, you called me trouble right?" Karthi was glaring from behind me.
I couldn't reply back obviously, but just smirked. He came and sat on the chair extending his legs to the table. Honestly; he looked like a long log, he is six feet and two inches, well built, with a straight body that made him look exactly like a tree bark.

"You should try acting." I said finally.

"Really? Yes, I know I am very handsome but I don't think acting is my cup of tea." He said blushing.

"Well, don't worry, I was talking of acting in plays. You will look perfect as a...."

"As a?"

"A tree, a long tree.... no one can beat you in that look. You'll look just perfect."

"What? You're so mean. Never mind, at least you look better now." He didn't seem irritated and I was laughing like an idiot thinking that I was hilarious.
He is really a nice friend.

"Well, there was something I needed to tell you."


"Madam, in case you have forgotten, I am obliged to remind you that you sent me on a mission."

"A mission?" What was he even talking about? I really wish he could sometimes be simple enough to be understood.

"Huh; the magician madam, the magician." He sighed as I suddenly recalled the task I had asked him to do yesterday.
At least he remembered. When I signalled him to tell me what he wanted to, he said, "So, I must say, your doubt is correct. The Magician was the same person whom you know as Ketan but there , they know him as Maya, more precisely 'Jaadugar Maaya - the great hypnotist', they don't know anything of him but only told me that every month they arrange a magic show with him and this has started seven years ago."

"I knew it, Ketan Roy did not die in that accident, he is alive and is making a fool out of everyone!"

But then my phone rang. It was Ketan, don't know why, but my heart started beating very fast, I felt nervous and afraid. There was a deep feeling creeping within me that told me that something bad or even worse was about to happen.

"Hello?" Ketan's voice was drastically low.
"Yes, Mr. Ketan."

"Sameer is no more." Saying this he hung up.

What? What did he just say? My phone slipped from my hands and fell on the floor.

"Wh... what happened? Aasha? Aasha!" Karthi nearly shouted looking at the devastation on my face.

"Sam....Sameer....... he.. he...." I couldn't say more but Karthi understood. He ran to the kitchen and brought some water. There were no tears in my eyes, maybe I was left with no more. Sameer, Aashu, maa, all of there faces were coming into my mind again and again.

"Let's go..."

"Wh......ere?" I was hardly able to speak.

"To see Sameer for the last time. Shall we?" He gave me his hand which I held and we went outside informing Mrs. Shankar of the same. In the car I was sitting motionless thinking of the losses I had to go through in all these years. Karthi was driving silently, I know he is more emotional than me, he took more time to recover from Aashu's death and I know that his composure was just because he wanted to make sure that I was fine.

Soon we reached the mansion. I had said already that this place was full of negativity, but today, it was death, just death. The day was overcast with black clouds, more of a thunderstorm was blowing and before I could enter the mansion, Karthi's phone rang, it was Vishal. It's strange that he called Karthi. After a few seconds of conversation he hung up. I couldn't hear anything as Karthi spoke in the lowest voice audible.

"We shouldn't go inside."

"What? Karthi you proposed the idea of coming here and now you are saying we shouldn't go. Why?" It was very difficult for me to speak without breaking down.

"I don't know. Vishal asked me not let you enter and from his voice I could understand that he was too serious to be ignored. Let's go back."

"Are you out of your senses Karthi! Who is Vishal to stop me from giving last farewell to my brother!"

"Don't shout Aasha! He's your friend; for God's sake!"

"You were the one who found him suspicious right?!"
And without a word, I ran inside.

"Aasha! Stop! I can sense danger! Aasha!"

We went inside and I flung open the door.
Why Sameer? Why did you leave us so soon?

I opened the door and saw Karthi standing beside me trying to revive his breath.

"So you 'had' to come."

"Yes; couldn't leave you here all alone."

The house was in a mess. I called out but no one replied. We went to Sameer's room but no one was there. Then I went to the room where they took us yesterday, but no one there too. We went back to the hall, taking out my phone I called Ketan but he didn't pick up. Panic was striking me now.
Then suddenly I heard a thud and a cry from Karthik who was lying motionless on the floor. Behind him was.......
Before I could think or do something I was also hit with the same bludgeon . Everything blurred and then...... there was a blackout. I might be dead in some moments.

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