Chapter Three

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Christmas at my house is the best. I get that most people say this but do you get a specially handbaked cake, custom made Christmas Tree and professionally wrapped presents that any shop window would be proud of? I get to invite some of my girls around for Christmas dinner. Naturally, Sky is the first person who I invite but all around I have about ten special friends and hundreds of casual ones. I love unwrapping presents and am done by the time our cook calls us to breakfast.

We get a special Christmas one, muffins with a Rudolf face on them, cookies with little Santas iced onto the top of them. Did I mention that I am over obsessed with Christmas? After dinner, me and my friends start discussing the party and what would be the best way to accidentally on purpose bump into a hot boy. After all, you gotta be prepared, right?

At around ten, all of the girls except Sky leave. I don't do more than one at a time. Not because I can't but sometimes I just want my piece.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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