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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"SO WHAT IS THE BOOK FOR?" HAZEL ASKED AS THEY WALKED OUT OF THE BOOKSTORE. Bella had successful found what she was looking for and they were now making their way back to meet with Angela and Jessica

"It's just some tribe stories, that's all. But hey. That dress you had on it looked really good on you" her mind went over to Jasper and if she thought he would like how the dress looked on her

"Thank you Bella" Hazel went to walk the way they came too but Bella stopped her

"Come i know a shortcut" Hazel shrugged and followed her along for a while but she noticed that they seemed to not be going anywhere

"Are you sure you know the way?"

"Yeah, it's just up here" they started to walk through an alley but spotted 2 men in front of it, they turned to look at the girls. They started walking the other way but they continued to follow behind the girls

"I saw you at the dress store"

"Hey, where you running to?" They continued to walk but more men showed up from in front of them and started closing in

"There they are" Hazel held onto Bella's arm who then looked to her

"Bella, you have to run when I say"

"What? No-" Bella protested immediately but Hazel wasn't having any of it

"Bella. Run and get help" Hazel was faster so it would've been wise if she was the one that rang but there was no way she was going to leave Bella

"Okay" she whispered quietly

"What's up?"

"It's my girl"

"How are you guys going?"

"Look who we just found" they tried to turn around but we're blocked off

"Hey, hey, woah woah woah. Where you going?" The men started to get closer and Hazel quickly punched a guy on the face and sent him to the floor

"Run Bella!" She ran through the now empty part where the man dropped and a guy went to go get her but he was stopped

"Let her go. We have this one" they continued to advance on her. When one got to close she kneed him in his stomach and punched him and he dropped to the floor

"Ooh, I like the ones that fight" she turned to the next one and grabbed his hood before brining it down and kneeing his mouth. She then elbowed his back which sent him to the ground

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