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Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

THE REST OF THE CULLENS WERE IN THE GARAGE GETTING THINGS READY AS EDWARD and Bella were walking in. They had just seen Laurent who had told them that he wants no part in this

"I've had to fight our kind before. They're not easy to kill" Jasper said as they moved in the cupboards

"But not impossible. We'll tear them apart and burn the pieces" Emmett was way to exited to kill some vampires, Hazel could tell that he has been waiting for an opportunity for quite a while now

Carlisle: "I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James"

"What if he kills one of us first? Now because of her protecting Bella, James wouldn't hesitate to kill Hazel for embarrassing him. She's not 18 yet, she'll die" Rosalie said getting up off the counter. Hazel felt jaspers hold on her hand tighten slightly at the idea of that happening to her

"What?" Bella asked stuttering slightly

Hazel: "Rose, when I protected her I knew of the consequences. If anything happens it's on me"

"It is not" Edward said to her
"But thank you for doing that. I'm going to run Bella south. Can you lead the tracker away from here?"

"No Edward. James knows you would never leave Bella. He'll follow you"

Alice: "I'll go with Bella, Hazel and I can drive her south"

"Me?" Hazel almost whined

"Yes you. He's after you too remember? I'll keep them both safe" she said looking between Jasper and Edward

"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" Edward asked with a pained expression to Alice

"Yes" she took Bella out of Edward's hold and moved her over to the car

"Rosalie, Esme, could you put these on so the tracker will pick up Bella's scent?" He threw a coat at rose who took it with an annoyed look. She didn't want to have to protect the girl that had done nothing but caused havoc for their family since she came into their lives

"Why? What is she to me?" Carlisle moved away from the counter

"Rosalie, Bella is with Edward. She's a part of this family now. And we protect our family" there was a silence before Rosalie sighed and walked away which gave Hazel time to turn to Jasper

"I don't wanna go anywhere Jas, not without you" Jasper put his hand on the black of her neck and ran his thumb softly of the area successfully calming her down

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