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"I need to talk to you." Mom said, tears evident on her face. I sighed and put the phone down.
"Go on."

"I can't love. I never have been able. I'm not sorry for what I did to you, and you'll see why when you get older. I can't have failure in this house, so until you start succeeding like me, then you can stay. But for now you are to leave my house. So pack your shit and leave." She said, colder than ice.

"Your kicking me out because you can't love me? Why didn't you do that years ago? I would've been so much happier!"

"Do you have somewhere to go? I'll give you money so you can pay whoever takes you in." She said, ignoring me.

"Right then, just leave me alone to pack." I said, scoffing and swallowing tears. She left and I took my biggest bag and packed almost everything up.
Now it's time to tell Daniel.

"Hello?" He said.
"Daniel, my Mom's kicking me out, can I please please please stay with you? I'll pay for all my food, washing.."

"What? Uhm, okay. Okay, breathe first.  Let me tell you where I live." He said. He told me his address and I wrote it down.

"See you, Daniel."

"Mom, I know where I'm going."

"Good, get in the car."

After she drove me to his home, I grabbed my back and madie it out quick.

"Bye Julia." Mom said, finally calling me by my name.

"Fuck you, Mom. Seriously. Don't ever go near me again." I said, slamming her door so hard, it nearly fell off.

Apartment 20. I knocked on the door, and waited. Daniel opened the door and I immediately broke down.

"Ssh, it's okay. It's okay. Come in outta this rain." He said, taking the bag out of my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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