Chapter 3: We Took Selfies

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There's something to be said for having a good boss. There's something even better to be said for having a good and understanding boss.

My boss, who had the whimsical name of Frances China, happened to be a fan of my boyfriend and was one of the few, outside of my family, who knew what was going on with Rio and Danielle Force. Frances loved Rio, especially since he always brought something for her teenage daughter, who was a huge fan of his, whenever he came into the pharmacy to see me for a quick minute. With his engaging smile and country-boy manners, he'd hand Frances a signed shirt, a signed CD, even signed pictures, and he'd always asked how her daughter, Liddy, was doing. More than that, Rio actually listened intently as Frances giggled and rambled on about everything Liddy had done since the last time Rio had stopped by. Rio was the kind of man who'd ask a question and truly listen to the answer.

Unless, of course, the question had to do with my feelings on his fake relationship with Danielle. Then...he didn't listen to my answers very well, if at all.

But when asking Frances about her daughter? He listened. One memorable time, when I knew he was bringing me lunch that day, my boss left work, leaving me holding down the fort, and she grabbed her daughter out of school so Liddy could meet -- dreamy sigh -- Rio Hawkens. Smiling at Liddy's squeals and the nonstop gushing about how much she loved Rio's music, Rio had also posed for selfies with her, asked her about school and her friends and promised her front -row tickets when he went on tour. He'd listened to what she said, a trait he'd exhibited with his fans, until his agent had to pull him away so they wouldn't be late to wherever they were going.

That day, he'd made Liddy's year and had won two more lifelong fans in just a few minutes. I was already his number one fan, knowing just how good a man he was, how talented, how determined he was to be a success so he could accomplish some very specific, very wonderful dreams he had.

So, when Frances had seen the news, had seen my stricken face that was being plastered onto websites everywhere claiming Mystery Stalker Tries to Break up Rielle (their vomit-inducing celebrity couple name), she'd called me that same night, right after I'd gotten my tattoo covered.

Phoenix rising.

"Pols," she started right in, "You have five weeks of vacation saved up. You never take time off, so as your boss, I'm telling you, you're taking the next three to four weeks off, and if you argue, I'll make it longer."

"I can't just --"

"You can. I called Trina and four months into retirement, she's going nuts now that her husband's retired, too. The man has no hobbies other than staring at her all day and asking what she wants to do, so she wants to come back for a limited time and hope he figures out something to do with himself while she's at work for the next four weeks. Win-win all around."

"I --"

"Listen to me. I've got some ideas to keep you busy and out of the limelight, and by the time you return, you'll have been replaced by much more interesting scandals; honey, you'll be so last week, no one will care if you dispense pills naked."

I was quiet for a minute. "What are these ideas?"

"I'm texting you my sister's number. She's expecting your call. She's a travel agent and has some great ideas. Listen to her."

It didn't take long to decide. "I will."

"And Polly," she said, her voice no longer brusque and businesslike, "I'm so sorry."

And that is how I came to be on a singles' cruise for the first week of my vacation. Was I ready to be on a singles' cruise? No, absolutely not. Did I throw myself into it? Yes, absolutely. 

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