Chapter 13: Universally Hated

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I couldn't believe what I was looking at. I was beyond pissed. Pissed at Danielle, pissed at myself. Fuck Danielle's caption -- my girl was gorgeous, stunning, and now fuckers all over the world would be seeing Polly's body, seeing her pictures that were meant for my eyes only. That thought infuriated me, but nowhere near as much as the thought of what Polly must be feeling. That was making me insane. It had taken so much for her to pose for those pictures, and I loved them for her courage alone, never mind that they were hot as hell.

My first call was to Polly, and -- no surprise -- she didn't answer. I felt sick at the thought of what she was going through right now, and I was practically shaking with rage. Tamping down my anger and frustration at the hurt Polly was feeling, at my anger and frustration at the whole situation that I had helped to create, I went to war.

My lawyer, Leonard Atir, my new agent I just hired, Jennifer Snows, and my publicist, Stacey Holden, joined me on a conference call and we made a plan. Holy shit, did we make a plan.

"I don't know what the hell she was thinking," Jennifer, said. "This type of bullshit you don't come back from. Not nowadays. She's done and we're going to make sure of it."

My agent had a number of high-profile clients, and she knew other agents with high-profile clients, and she got down to work. This was the kind of issue celebrities liked to be seen speaking out against. 

My publicist, Stacey Holden, known as the queen of hashtags for her clients, began a hashtag campaign not even half an hour after Danielle dropped her Tik Tok bomb.

Celebrity after celebrity began coming out against Danielle and the comments about her were downright vicious.

The only pig I saw in the video was the one who made it.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Danielle, you showed what a vile piece of shit you are. I believe you.

Tell me you're a horrible human being without telling me you're a horrible human being, Danielle. Oh, you already did.

I'd like to introduce Danielle to some real pigs. Random tidbit: did you know a drift of pigs can eat a body in no time at all?

An hour and a half after Danielle lashed out at Polly, there were two hashtags popping up everywhere thanks to Stacey.



Women all over the world, whatever their body type, began posting on Instagram, making Tik Tok videos, tweeting, putting up Facebook posts -- all posing in lingerie. Some men were even getting into the act. 

Stacey kept me updated on Danielle's social media accounts. After my first press conference, she'd lost half her followers. Her numbers were already dropping with what she'd posted about Polly -- and the way Danielle was getting dragged was making my day. There was so much hate being directed at Danielle that I'm surprised her skin wasn't burning off the comments were so acidic.

Social media was going nuts with pro-Polly support and anti-Danielle hate. The story was being covered everywhere and some analysts were saying that the number of followers Danielle had lost was the single-fastest recorded loss of followers in the history of social media. Anyone connected to her accounts was getting dragged, too, and, wanting no part of the firestorm Danielle was facing, ran from her like cockroaches scattering in the light.

Stacey had set up a press conference for me at noon that she expected to be a zoo since Danielle's story had gone viral and was being talked about everywhere. I was fine with that. I wanted coverage on this. I wanted Danielle to hear and sweat it out, more than she already was. People were trying to find her and, not being able to, were contacting her sponsors and threatening them with boycotts if they didn't drop her. 

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