Chapter 5 - Through the Twist *edited*

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Chapter 5


The blinding light from the purple portal began to subside just enough to allow me to open my eyes. I was surrounded by spirals of purple and lilac, the colours spiraling and sparkling with what I can only describe as magic. I was hovering in the centre of the Twist between dimensions. 

In our world the Twist between dimentions is very special, it is one of the main bedtime stories all children are told, it is the portal between Syltryn and Earth. To cross the Twist you must pay a toll but the toll isn't of money or goods it is of something that makes you who you are. If you were a soldier it would take away your ability to fight, if you were a cook you would no longer be able to taste but for me the price seemed far greater...

I was snapped out of my own thoughts by a female voice echoing around the cavernous portal, "Arabella Selene Francesco Riverali Bascheloni as cost for passing through the Twist in Dimentions must give up certain things, did you agree to this when you entered?" the voice was the Dimension Keeper that had opened the portal for me.

"Yes that is true" 

"The agreement is sealed, Princess Arabella you are now stripped of your title and have been given an Earth name, Ella Baxter. You will lose your extended magical knowledge and will be left with only the bare mininum, you shall lose your superhuman speed and agility. We cannot take the powerful magic that was cast upon you away and so you will remain looking the same, you are now free to pass" 

No no, they cannot keep the magic.

"Why can't you remove the magic?" I was talking through tears, the magic King Diorten had cast upon me was perfectly normal in Syltryn but on Earth I would look very strange indeed. My skin, pale white from the lack of sunlight and my eyes transformed from forest green to jet black, I would never pass as a mortal.

"The magic cast upon you can only be removed by a very powerful magic weilder, we cannot complete this task with our magic," with that the voice of the Dimension Keeper echoed away and I could feel myself being sucked downwards deeper into the purple portal.

I could feel the air begin to change as I was pulled downwards, the purple lightning began to fade and the air became clean and fresh. In a final blinding flash of lightning I was dumed from high in the air into freezing water down on Earth.

I surfaced from the black pool of water, gasping and splashing for air, I managed to drag myself to the edge of the pool and clamber up onto the lush grass that surrounded it before taking a good look around. It was pitch black, the stars above me seemed just the same as they were in Syltrn but there were other huge differences, there were lights coming up from the ground on black sticks that glowed not blue but white and they illuminated roads that were made of an odd shiny black substance. From what I could tell the pond I had been dumped in did not contain toxic slime, water nymphs or magic eating pool fish, there were no trolls or goblins patrolling, no dragons flying the skies, no garden sprites hiding in the grasses.

 Earth truly is a very strange place.

I got up from the slightly damp grass and wrung my tattered wedding dress out before walking towards the glowing lights in the distance that I believed to be the village of the local people. The closer I got to civilisation the stranger it became, at first the houses were scattered, each surrounded by large gardens but as I walked futher into the village the houses changed, the they became far closer together and were made of an odd red stone the likes of which I had never seen before; the houses themselves seemed to cluster together into organised roads, something very different to the confusing streets of Syltryn. The brighter the village became the older the houses seemed to get, they returned to the familiar wood and mortar houses I was so used to back home and the streets began to narrow and cobble. Suddenly without warning I was dragged off the street and through the doorway into one of the small houses.

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