Chapter 12 - The Village Healer

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Waking up was rough, really rough; the last thing I remembered I was drifting off into darkness, now it was blindingly light. I peeled my eyes open to see my room glowing orange and grandma holding her pendant over me; she was in one of her trances again, but I felt better, so I moved slightly to get a batter look at grandma but was stopped my the excruciating pain than shot across my chest.

"Don't my dear, you are not yet healed" she was still in a trance but was slightly more human than she look only a moment ago. So I believed her, as I should Grandma was a witch healer, she used to cure everyone in the village, from a common cold to the plague. I let my eyes slip closed and I was back in another deep sleep, but this one was far more vivid than the last.

I was like I was reliving it all over again; The dungeon, the cells, my mother, the King, my blood and then darkness, again.

I sat bolt upright, sweat pouring down my face and my heart pounding at some ridiculous speed. It was completely dark, pitch black. The orange light and grandma all seemed like a beautiful dream compared to my last one. "I have to save my mother", so I crawled to the edge of the double bed, missed the edge and tumbled headfirst onto the floor. I still wasn't quite used to the layout of my new room, the one back at home was huge and it always had the faint glow from the glow worm lamps, lighting up the room a faint green. Here everything is so dark; but I fumbled for the door handle and staggared out into the dark hall Lucking the stairs were faintly lit by the Arabian lanterns grandma had hung up and lit with the orange fire that grandma had specialised. Down in the living room grandma was reading, seeming more like a human grandme than the witch I met back in Syltyn. 

"Ah Ella, I see your awake; hows the pain?" She was physically glowing, apparently the ,magic from her crystal was far more powerful than she's expected.

"Erm yes its fine thank you, what did you do?" I sat down in a deep padded arm chair and sank down till my feet couldn't touch the floor. 

"A healing spell, I learned back when the war was still going on, only problem is.....its a little, colourful" she pointed down at herself still glowing the same tangerine orange.

"Grandma, I want to go back to save my mother" That got her full attention, and her disapproving look that only a grandma could give.

"Arabella, you cannot return home yet, even if your mother does need you. Have you seen your shoulder and chest yet? that is a serious wound, even the strongest healing spell only began the healing process. And then we have the assassin to worry about. Oh and lets not forget King Dioret has armed guards at every possible portal opening. It is too dangerous."

"Grandma, it will always be dangerous; I have committed a crime punishable my death for leaving Chito at the alter, then ended up almost being snake chou....Grandma I have to go back" I reached for my pendant but grandmas hand reached mine before it could open a portal.

"Arabella please; at lease wait till you are fully healed to return; you will not be able to do anything if that wound opened again."

"Fine but I am only staying till its healed, then I must return and free my people" and with that I stormed off upstairs, and flicked on the switch in my room filling it with warm yellow light.. The ornate full length mirror sent flickering light across the room but I walking over I could see the blue blood stain on my white t-shirt. Turns out royalty really does have blue blood or I do at least. Stripping of my shirt was horrific, my would had stuck to my shirt and pulling it off brought back the pain. But I managed to get a good look at the damage Dioret had done; The deep blue scar went deep into my skin, going from my right collar bone straight across over my left shoulder. I tried to touch it, but that was so not a good idea... So instead of inflicting any more damage on myself I dug into my now messy wardrobe and pulled out a clean blue strap shirt and a long winter jacket. Apparently here on Earth the temperature changes throughout the year, how strange. 

I managed to use my pendant to open my usual blue portal before grandma knew what I was up to. I stepped into the light and it sealed up behind me. 

After a few seconds of the world blinding me I stepped out into the dark streets of Tylside; turns out the thick long jacket was very necessary, it was freezing. But I needed to get some air, some cold non deadly air. So I walked, just walked on and on until I wandered back into the park I arrived in. The grey grass spreading out to a dark, murky pond, but I walked past it, round the large pond and into the willow forest behind it. It was beautiful, pulling back the strands of willow to reveal a beautiful glowing pond. It was magic, just like back home, and I missed that. So when the canopy of willow began to glow with tiny dots of pale blue light, I was entranced that I didn't notice anyone standing on the other side. 

"Hello?" I looked up at the voice from across the lake; a boy, tall with deep brown floppy hair and chocolate brown eyes....Kailen!

"H-Hello" This is my end, he is going to kill me.

But why does he sound so human, he's an assassin shouldn't he be throwing daggers at me or at least trapping me inside his teleportation pendant.

"Why do you sound so scared, don't worry I don't bite" Nervous laughter was, something new to me but it seems on Earth that's all I spend my time doing and now was no exception. "Its so beautiful isn't it....this place?" He didn't recognise me, he thinks i'm human, YES!!

"Yeah it's amazing" He walked around to my side of the pond and we just watched the fish swim in circles It was so peaceful, minus my pounding heart.

After a few moments of silence we sat down on a clear patch of ground, it was warmer in here, just I still wasn't willing to remove my jacket, the biting wind came swirling through the willow curtains, "Hey are you cold?" but my answer didn't mean anything, he removed his own jacked and wrapped it around my shoulders; we were sitting so close I could smell him, the amazing guy smell that only guys have. I only learnt how amazing it was sitting so close to them in my one day at high school.

"So, what your name shiver?" Heheh shiver, I have a nickname...

"Ella, Ella Baxter, You?" I already knew but, I had to play along, even if it was only for a bit.

"Kailen, erm Thomson, do you go to Tylside?" Thomson? Thomson, that is the best he could come up with....seriously this guy has no imagination.

"Yeah, I just transferred actually, so I am a little lost here" Well It was true, partly.

"Yeah I'm kind of new too, but i've moved around a lot so I've been here before"

From then on we just, talked; For hours and hours on end. About everything we could think of. By the time we looked away from one another it was nearly dawn and the pond and tree lights had faded away to nothing. It was time to go, but Kailen was so nice...what am I saying he is my ASSASSIN!

"I'm really sorry Kailen but I have to go, I kind of went out without telling anyone" 

"Erm, okay, but can I see you again, here tomorrow night. There are some things I want to tell someone and you are the only person I know and trust" I just nodded, I couldn't speak; so I ran like the Princess I am, straight out of the willow and into the dawn light; before even thinking I reached for the pendant and dived into the portal. 

What was I thinking, Kailen is not nice, or cute, or normal; he is evil and he will kill me if he finds out. So I can't let him find out. 

My portal opened straight into my room, where a rather angry Grandma was perched on the edge of my bed holding the biggest cup of coffee i have ever seen. She didn't have to say anything, just pointed to me. Then my bed and stormed briskly out of the room, closing the door behind her. I was in so much trouble in the morning........


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