Chapter 4

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Sorry for the long wait !  

Love xx 

(Harry POV) 

After lunch Niall and I had history, I hate that class so bad, but Niall may make it better. Niall and I was were going to his locker since he had to change some books, I got a feeling that there is something wrong with him, I don't know but, yeah, I feel that it is something wrong with him. "Is there something wrong, Niall?" I just had to ask. "Uhm, No, everything is fine" He said and gave me a weak smile, I know that we just met, but I can feel that there is something wrong with him, and I don't like it.  I shoke it of me and walked with Niall to class. 

(Louis POV)

Pe? Oh god I hate it .. not because that we are running and stuff like that, but  I hate changing in front of others, I truly hate my body. "Lou? are something wrong?" I turn around and saw a topless Liam Payne!! "E-eh no, nothing is wrong" I said and turned around, that way Liam wouldn't see that I was blushing "Alright, but you have too change, class start in five minuets" With that Liam left and I could change. When I was done I turn around and saw Liam .. Shit .. "W-why are you here.?"  I said and felt myself start to blush . "Uh-h I forgot my shoes, and I thought that since I'm already was here I could wait for you" I didn't response on that, I grab my shoes and went to the rest of my class. Oh We have this class with Zayn too !  I walked over to Zayn "Hey Lou, Where is Lili?" I turn around to see that Liam wasn't following me. "To be honest, I don't know" 

(Liam POV) 

Stupid stupid stupid stupid !! I scared the shit out of him !! I should have take the fint when he didn't change in front of us, but of course I HAD TO GO BACK.  Sue me, be he have an amazing body, and I'm sure that I drown in his eyes sometimes and NO STOP ! It's not normal to think like that about a friend? right? I better go to class.  When I got up the teacher wanted an explanation, so I just said that I had hurt my ankle and had some trouble with getting change. And he believed me. I walked over to they others, Louis suddenly turned around. "Where have you been ?! I've been nervous about you !!" Wait what ? Have Louis been nervous about me? after I'm sure that I scared him. "Eh I just hurt man ankle, nothing to be nervous about" I said and winked at Louis, he started to blush and took me into a hug.  

*After PE* 

Last period ! But, we have math, I hate that so much !! I That day I stand in a store and need to find out what 2(4x)+3-x+5 is I'm going to call my math teacher. But the good thing about this class is that Niall and Harry also are here. Louis and I sit togheter, Harry and Niall, And then we have Zayn and Perrie. Niall and Harry is having a good time, I wonder if Niall knows that Harry is gay? Harry usually fall for an guy and then he found out that they either hate gay people, or just don't want to be in a relationship with him. I don't want to see him hurt "Lili? what are you thinking of?" Louis suddenly asked and pulled m out of my thoughts. "Nothing special,  I was thinking about what a cute couple Niall and Harry would be. Oh we can call them Narry !" I said and Louis face fell. "shit .. did I say anything wrong?" I asked, I hope I didn't hurt him, maybe he like Harry? "No it's just that .. no, nothing, I'm happy for them. Narry is a cool name. do you have one for us two?" For us? Why us? I don't think Louis is gay, and to be honest, I don't know what I am. I looked at the board and back to  Louis "What about .. Lilo? We take Li in Liam and Lo in Louis and put it together" I had to smile of what I just had said. " I Like it, you are good at names" Louis said and started to pay attention to the teacher.  *dingdindingding* Yes school is over ! We walked out all together, but it looked like something had happen with Zayn and Perrie, Zayn looked a little, but I didn't ask, one thing I've learn while I have been friend with these lads is that they come to me when something is wrong and that I can't push them to tell me. "What about Starbucks or something like that? We have to celebrate that we have to new members in our group!" Harry shouted when we got outside the school. Everybody agreed. Me, Lou and Zayn was dring in my car while Niall and Harry drive in Harry's car. The whole car drive was a little awkward, I took a small look in the mirror and I could see that Zayn was sad. "Something wrong, Zayn?" Sorry but I had to ask. "Well, Perrie asked me to go on a date, and I said no because if I went to that date she might think I have feelings for her too, and after I said no she was so sad and I felt bad for her." Something about Zayn is that he hate when someone gets sad, and specially when he is the reason "But why did you say no? i thought you liked Perrie?" maybe I shouldn't ask, but I had to " Yeah, I thought that too" Was the last thing he said before he started to listen to some music. Poor lad.  We arrived Starbucks a while after, and we could see that Harry and Niall already was there. When everyone had got what they wanted we found a table big enough for all of us. "Look at the Narry love" Louis whisper in my ear and I had to laugh a little when I saw what Lou was talking about. Maybe they are right for eacother? I just hope Harry know what he is doing.

 Sorry if this was short too, but I have writer block, so if someone have any ideas of what I can write just inbox me it. I don't know when I will update next time since school starts tomorrow and on thursday my class are going on a ski tour. 

Btw, somebody that have heard Loud by R5? I just Love it !! 

Love xx 

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