Chapter 8

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I woke up in a warm embrace from the eldest in the house it had been a week since I had last seen the IVE members as the they were still banned from being near me. 

Eunbi: Y/n who do you want to spend time with today?

Y/n: I don't mind ill spend time with anyone. 

Eunbi: Let's just enjoy the day then see what happens. 

As the two of us went down stairs I was first dragged to the sofa by Minju who snuggled into my right side as Chaeyeon cuddled my left. 

Chaewon: Yah where am I supposed to go? 

Yunjin: Well there's a space right here.

As Yunjin sat on top of me she leaned back and rested her head on my neck.


Y/n: Chaewon calm down I will spend time with you later don't worry.

Chaewon: You better. 

Over this past week I had become happier around the girls and had felt less of an urge to leave. I did love these girls however there was still a portion of me that still wanted to go home. But I am home? No why am I thinking like this why am I becoming confused whether or not I want to leave back home I have every- no one. No I have my family and friends. You have a better family here. 

Yunjin: Baby are you ok? You are sweating a lot. 

Y/n: Yeah...yeah. 

Minju: Are you sure do you need to rest some more? 

Y/n: Im ok. I promise.

Am I ok why do I want to stay sure they are attractive and I have some love for them but I need to go home. Do I? Why am I feeling more compelled to stay with them. NO I need to find a way to leave but Zuha, Yunjin all these girls they already mean so much to me. NO all they are doing is forcing me to stay with them. 

Y/n: Girls I need the toilet. 

Yunjin: You know the rules I will come with you. 

Y/n: Ok.

Once I had reached the bathroom I didn't enter but instead turned and embraced Yunjin as tears I didn't now I was holding back began to fall. 

Yunjin: Baby what's wrong! 

Y/n: I don't even know.

Yunjin: Its ok baby lets go to my room. 

Y/n: But I promised Chaewon Id spend time with her. 

Yunjin: Don't worry I will text her to come.

Once Yunjin brought me to her bed Chaewon appeared in the doorway and rushed over to me after seeing the state I was in. 

Chaewon: Y/n! Baby what's wrong?

Y/n: Please just stay with me...

Chaewon: I will don't worry. 

Yunjin: Shall the three of us watch something? 

As the three of began to watch something and I began to calm someone else joined us.

Kazuha: Why didn't you tell me you were watching movies together.

Yunjin: Sorry Zuzu~ 

Zuha then climbed into the bed the three of us were snuggled up on before settling onto my chest.

Kazuha: Y/n why are your eyes so red? 

Yunjin: He was upset earlier. 

Kazuha: Aww Y/n you want to sleep? 

Unexpected Events (Yandere Izone, IVE and Le Sserafim x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now