Takeo Yuudai's Beginning- Part 4

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The first man unveiled himself, shortly followed by the others. The first man was a man in his late 20's, maybe early 30's. His hair was a dark grey-blue Colour of Short Length. He had some strange fashion in his possession. It looked Womanly yet Manly at the same Time.
It was meant to be a suit but he looked ready to perform at a nightclub. He had a shirt on as mandatory for government officials but then he had matched that with some leather jeans that looked far too tight on him. He had a nice ironed out blazer but also had tap dancing shoes. It was as if he was trying to live two lives at once. On his blazer, there were two pin badges, one was circular and had the rainbow spread across it, the other was the yang part of yin-yang.

The other man shortly unveiled himself, he had antique pink hair, it was slightly longer and messier than his counterparts. He was dressed in a full suit. He also had pin badges on his blazer. One was the Rainbow, the other was the Yin part of Yin- Yang.

The woman unveiled herself, she had long Indigo hair, tied into a Plait, and wore an oversized blazer so she could hide her hands, there was something to hide but no one but her knew what it was. The rest of her uniform looked relatively normal.

The first man walked over to a circle but he did so in a way his tap dancing shoes could be heard..He picked up a staff from the corner of the room and drew a circle in the centre of the stage with it. The circle began to glow. It had something on the inside that looked similar to the description of the runes Takeo had heard of when he was younger.

Then he uttered his first words, as he began a speech.

“Woah, woah, there are a lot of you… at least 96,000, anyways. You are all here as you hope to continue your life in a cooler, more respectable position and gain the mystical power of the rune. As you know there are 4 classes of Rune, Practical, Telepathic, Life and Chaos. The one you are given, (if you are given one) is dependent on your personality, ideals and motives. By definition those who gain the Telepathic Rune seek the truth and justice and The chaos users find comfort in causing mayhem, damage and would love to wholeheartedly pursue their dreams by any means necessary, no caring for what happens in the process. 

If you are unlucky and are not destined for a rune you will be expelled from the building by my power- the velocity rune. The other man on stage chimed in:

“You are the most powerful guy I know Asahi”

“Thanks Chikao, that means a lot coming from you”

“Anyways, my associate will call you at random based on the vague information I have about you. “

Asahi pulled out a clipboard from the inside of his blazer, he passed it to the woman on stage.
“When Ahmya calls you forward please step into the circle and i will place the staff on your hand”
The Woman began to call names, the voice was very familiar, Takeo and Keisuke looked at each other, she was the voice of the minigame announcer for preferences.
“She had to have been watching us too.” Keisuke thought to herself. “Does she know our names?”

Ahmya came forward to centre stage slowly, she spoke soft and quiet with a non emotional tone.

Uhh…so do we have an Okimi Hamada? Anyone with Okimi Hamada please take to the stage?

A group approached the stage. One by one they queued and lined in a singular one man wide formation, next to the glowing circle. At the front of the line was presumably Okimi. She followed Asahi’s instructions and stood in the circle with her right palm extended in front of her body. Asahi approached her with the staff in his hand, the one he used to create the circle. He placed it on the knuckles of her hand and chanted some words in what could people presumed as an ancient language and Takeo could not understand it. It had to be older than Shakespearean. Colour burst from the circle- A shining beam of white light. Asahi approached Okimi. “Too bad, we couldn't awaken your rune, now suffer.”

Okimi was flung from the circle by Asahi’s Hand. Takeo couldn't see what happened. Okimi was thrown through the ceiling though, The group she had come with backed away slowly. Asahi did not let this go unnoticed, “Cowards, you back out now? Join your friend in heaven! The group of highschoolers were forced together at a speed, they were clustered up into one massive stack and flung up through the roof in a different spot.

A young heckler called out from the crowd "Bad Aim! Get some lessons in enhancing your accuracy!"

Chikao stormed into the crowd and found the heckler, dragging them onto the stage, presented to Asahi.
"Dare to say that again young man?"
"No, no, please I'm sorry! I'm all good. Please forgive me!"

They too were flung from the building

“Anyways back to the ritual, who’s next? The list continued to be read out. Takeo watched as some got their powers and wildest dreams brought to life. Powers of fire, powers of earth,  powers of psychic and even stranger, powers no-one had even heard of before, like the power of Wardrobe. The power allowed the user to express whatever outfit, whenever. Yet those who got power, one that was worthwhile at least vanished afterwards. As if they had gone in the blink of an eye. “More disappearances? How original.”

Soon Keisuke was called, she brought her head up and approached the stage. Takeo followed behind her. It was time, time to awaken their true potential and end this immoral dictatorship once and for all.

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