Chapter 5

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Logans pov

I thought real hard and meant it like janus said. I want to be a dark side. I want to be a darkside. I want to be a dark side.

The next thing I know I'm writhing in pain on the floor. Ok this hurts more than I expected. I started crying but I barely noticed. I heard Remus and Janus's voices but I couldn't hear what they were saying. The world was fuzzy like I wasn't wearing my glasses x10. I didn't suffer for long as I passed out quickly after it began.

When I woke up I was feeling better but not by much. I felt something on my back. It was clearly a aposabe part of me as I moved it; Though that hurt a bit so I stopped. I tried to think of my surroundings. Where was i? I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in Janus's room on his bed. My glasses weren't on but I appeared to see fine. Is anyone here?

"J- Janus?" I managed to stutter out. I heard something crash then janus came into my vision.
"You awake logie? Are you feeling ok?" Janus asked me.
"Well I'm tired and there's something movible on my back that hurts but i can see without my glasses..."
"That's your animal trait" he smiled "do you think you can stand up and look in the mirror?"
"Well I can try but i dont know how well it will go..." I responded.
"Lets try..."

Janus helped me get up. I fell over backward upon standing up due to a new weight on my back. I landed and it hurt the things on my back that I just realized where feathery wings.
"What- wings I have wings" I started laughing crazily.
"Logie are you ok- you didn't even get to the mirror and why are you laughing?" Janus asked.
"I don't even know it's just so fucking funny I'm a bird caw caw!" I said before laughing a bit more. Janus laughed at my joke then helped me up and to the mirror.

I was stunned, my neat brown hair had got a bit longer. But the biggest changes where that I had big beautiful black raven wings, and my iris had turned into what looked like a Milkyway galaxy!

I spun around and hugged Janus knocking us both over. At a second thump of us felling on the floor Remus bust in saying-
"Are you two having sex?! Wait logie! Bird wings, I love them!" Remus then pet my wings. After we got back up I asked-
"How do I make them vanish like your tentacles?" Janus can disappear his scales too, but he prefers not to.
"Just imagine yourself without them!" I as I did they disappeared. "Thanks Remy!" We all had nicknames for each other at this point. I'm starting to feel like this is home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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