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"half past twelve, i was all alone; i can't be compromised

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"half past twelve, i was all alone; i can't be compromised. fucking on my ex, we ain't apologize cuz i'm way too young and you always right."



KEHLANI JAMES walked through the hallways of the crowded school building, chewing on her bottom lip as her head turned left and right in search for her locker. she held her math textbook in her hands as she had just left the class and was now preparing for chemistry, her least favourite class.

it wasn't that she hated the subject itself, kehlani hated the people in her class. more so, the person in her class. kehlani hated ethen reyes, better known as notti osama. she hated him because he was loud, obnoxious and just plain rude. every class would be another poor attempt of notti trying to flatter kehlani, and each time it would result in her cussing him out or embarrassingly rejecting him.

that never seemed to stop him, though. just the thought of his huge ego made kehlani twist up her face in disgust, batting her eyes as she arrived at her locker. she put in the combination and placed her math textbook inside, grabbing her chemistry textbook and notebook before she began her journey to the classroom.

knowing she was going to have to suffer being in the same room as notti ran a shiver down her spine and kehlani rubbed her temple gently to soothe the anger that was already bubbling up within her. she slammed her locker door harder then she intended to, earning a few glances from nearby people.

she started to walk to class, looking around to see it maybe she could spot her best friend, Liyah. they only had 2 classes together, not including lunch break; math and PE. she hadn't seen Liyah all day, and she was starting to worry. she wasn't in maths today, and since it was only 10:30 she'd have to wait a bit to find her at lunch.

kehlani made it to class early, before the teacher was even there, and found a seat in the back, placing her books on her desk. she crossed her fingers and prayed notti wouldn't show up today.

it seemed as if right on que, the lord threw her prayer to the side and notti osama entered the classroom. kehlani rolled her eyes to the back of her head, slapping her hands on her face as notti caught view of her and had begun making his way over with a wide grin.

"hey kaykay," he plopped down in the seat beside her, reaching and moving her hands from her face.
kehlani scoffed, slapping his hands away. "you can't call me that." she spat, "you can call me kehlani, like everyone else!! better yet, call me Ms. James." she turned her head in the opposite direction, using her peripheral vision to catch Ethan's reaction.

his smile went even wider, he laughed silently.
"okay, Ms. James." he tilted his head, meeting eye view with kehlani.
Kehlani used all the strength in her to hold back a smile, for some reason the way ethan smiled at her made her stomach feel fuzzy. he had smiled at her many times before, but it felt different when it was just them two alone in the classroom.

"you can go away now," kehlani finally said after completely fighting off the urge to smile as wide as her lips could go.
notti shook his head slowly, waving his pointer finger back and forth in a way of saying 'no'.

he slid her chemistry textbook over to him, flipping it open to a random page. "we have to share a textbook," he said cheerily, "i forgot mines in my locker, and it's too late to go back now." Kehlani glanced up at the clock hanging on the wall by the white board, sighing heavily.

he was right, class was due to start in a minute and if notti left to get his book now, he'd be late. she groaned loudly before muttering, "fine." and she scooted closer to him so she could see the book as well. notti bit his lip, seeing how close him and kehlani were; their knees were gazing each other.

he didn't say anything about it, knowing kehlani would move away the second he spoke. instead, he stared at her side profile, admiring how beautiful she looked with the sunlight beaming on her through the classroom window.

kehlani felt his eyes glued on her, without thinking she looked up from the textbook and the two made eye contact. a blush spread across her face when her eyes met his, the fuzzy feeling in her stomach was back and she hated it. but she had to admit, notti had very pretty eyes. and a very pretty smile, and a cute laugh and a cute voice.

but she still hated him, even if there were times where she'd lay awake and think about the loving things he'd say to her in class, smiling into her pillow.

kehlani looked back down at her textbook when she heard the bell ring, and the sound of children nearing the classroom became louder. a part of her wanted to look back and see if he was still staring as she could no longer feel his eyes on her.

she didn't know why all of a sudden she cared so much about wether or not he was looking at her, and why his eye contact affected her in the ways it did. she hated it.

a handful of children entered the classroom, the teacher following behind them. they all got in their seats and the lesson began, somewhat taking kehlani's mind off of the boy sitting beside her.

she let out a shaky sigh, eyes focused on the white board as she thought, 'i have a lot tell tell Liyah.'

𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄, 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐄 | 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐢 𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐚Where stories live. Discover now