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Dan barely slept the few hours he laid under the man that consumed his heart because Tommy overtook his thoughts all night. He reminisced on some of their many childhood capers. There were so many great adventures they had shared, so many memories.

On Tommy's first day in third grade, the new kid in school was so timid. Mr. Hinkle made him introduce himself in front of the whole class. "I, I'm Tommy" he stuttered. Some of the kids snickered at the new kid. Dan befriended him immediately.

Dan smirked at the memory before craning his neck up and planting a soft kiss on the top of a shaggy tangle of brown hair on the top of Tommy's head. This man sleeping on his chest had been his whole world since that day.

Best friends, partners in crime; ding dong ditch at fourteen when they were supposed to be securely sleeping in a tent in Dan's side yard. A little laugh, suppressed in his chest made Tommy's head raise and lower as Dan pictured old man Harold chasing them off the porch and through his yard. They loved tormenting that old man. They were always pulling some kind of shenanigans.

How could he not love Tommy? They were inseparable for as far back as he could remember. He was there for Dan when he was dumped by his first girlfriend, Janet. Guilt started to settle in. How did being there while he broke down over her affect Tommy? Tommy never had a girlfriend that he could remember. Did he know then, or have a clue where they would end up? He second-guessed several events from their past.

Dan meant everything he told Tommy the night before. He loved Tommy so deeply. He thought about the first night at Camp Lady of the Lake, Tommy's wet dream and his reaction the next morning, the teasing, and what happened later.

Tommy was so uncomfortable and all I did was make it harder for him. Dan was embarrassed by his inner dialogue. But Tommy trusted him so completely anyway! He thought, remembering how turned on he was picking on his friend and that Tommy noticed him playing with himself under the water.

The vulnerability Tommy showed when he confessed the subject of that dream didn't seem much at the time but in hindsight, it meant everything to Dan. Tommy's vulnerability and his confidence in his best friend had given Dan the greatest gift.

"You're so amazing baby." Dan softly whispered, lightly brushing his hand across Tommy's back. "I love you!"

Looking at the clock on the nightstand beside their bed, Dan started devising a plan. He slowly wiggled himself out from underneath the man that had caused his sleeplessness and threw on his clothes from last night.

The aroma of coffee aroused Tommy's senses and brought his mind slowly back to consciousness. His brain woke before he ever tried to open his eyes, he chose to lay there soaked in the ambiance of Dan's heartfelt admissions. Tommy didn't know if he had ever felt so happy. But the coffee tempted the morning to happen and he eventually gave in.

Tommy blinked the sleep out of his blurry eyes to see Dan sitting at the desk watching him sleep with a tray of bagels and donuts as well as two cups of coffee. This man! he thought to himself. "Mornin Dan." Where Tommy's first gravely words of the morning.

"Hey baby," Dan replied, "did ya sleep good?" standing up and closing the short distance to the bed.

"Mmmhmm, like a baby!" He confessed smiling. "How about you?"

Dan sat on the edge of the bed and laid his hand on Tommy's stomach, moving it in small circles. "Awesome! Me, not so good." The memories were still all swirling in his mind. "I thought about you all night." Dan finished.

Dan scooted in and laid next to Tommy, pulling him in close. "I brought you coffee and the best continental breakfast free could get." Dan leaned in and dropped a kiss on Tommy's forehead. "Are ya ready for a bagel?"

Dan and Tommy's Story Volume 3 Coming OutWhere stories live. Discover now