Club Aut

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A/N: I totally forgot to add this chapter at the correct time! And it's an important piece of the story! My bad folks!

They could hear the thumping bass from inside the club over the rumble of Dan's muffler-delete Buick. The parking lot of Club Aut was mostly full and well-lit. The building was pretty non-descript with only a few neon beer signs randomly hanging on the walls and a yellow-lit street sign emblazoning the business name.

When the boys rounded the front corner of the building, there was a short line waiting to be granted entrance inside. The two took their place at the back of the line and slowly moved with the group until they were next.

"ID?" the thin, clean-cut doorman asked as they stepped up to him.
Dan and Tommy both reached for their back pockets, pulled their wallets out, and dug for their driver's licenses. One at a time, they handed their cards to him. After looking at the date on their IDs, each received a red 'fragile' stamp on their right hand before they were allowed in.

The inside was opposite of the outside. Loud thumping music filled the air, there was an empty stage with laser lights blasting out bouncing across a crowded dance floor area and back up to the stage. Just inside the door stood an L-shaped bar with two bartenders racing back and forth serving patrons.

A young man was wearing almost nothing, dancing on the corner of the bar. As people passed by, they'd stop and gawk at his body a little, before stuffing money in the waistband of his tight pink thong underwear. He never stopped moving and just gave a nod of appreciation for the deposit.

The boys looked around the room with a mix of awe and wonder at the controlled chaos. People were dancing to some Lady Gaga song, people standing at the bar waiting their turn to be served, and some sitting at tables speckled around the room.

"This place is wild!" Dan said loud enough to overcome the cacophony of music and yell talking while pointing to an empty table, "Let's sit." he suggested.

Tommy's wide eyes scanned the room taking everything and everyone in. "I so was not expecting this!" he admitted.

"Did you see that guy dancing on the bar?" Dan asked curiously as he watched the bar dancer getting more money put in his underwear from all angles.

"Oh my god yeah! He's making a fortune." Tommy answered with more intrigue than Dan was comfortable with.

"Think I could do that and make money?" Dan asked with the intent to get a reaction out of his partner.

Without missing a beat Tommy replied, "You're body is better than his, but you don't dance Dan!" He quickly looked away from bar dancer and smiled at Dan just as he shrugged his shoulders in submission to Tommy's truth.

"Maybe I'd dance for money. Besides, he's basically just getting paid for lookin sexy and wiggling his hips." Dan argued trying to convince himself and Tommy of his ability to pull it off.

Calling Dan's bluff, Tommy responded sarcastically, "Put yer money where your mouth is. If he comes down, get up there!" while winking in sarcasm at Dan.

"I'm in boxers." Dan pretended to consider the challenge. "Maybe next time."

Their attention was diverted by someone yelling out "OMG you guys came!" As pink-haired Rowan came bouncing and skipping to their table wearing very short and tight cut-off jeans and a half shirt that flaunted his smooth hairless midsection.

Rowan pulled out a third chair and sat it close to Dan before sitting in it. The bubbly personality he showed while he worked at the ice cream shop was obviously throttled. Tonight he seemed extra to Tommy.

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