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In the underworld, we can hear the laughter and giggling of kids. In the garden of Death God's palace 3 kids in the age of 5, 7or 8 years old were playing tag. 2 of them had black fluffy hair while other one have red hair. "Cale catch us if you can" little Dokja said as he ran. "Yep catch us" little Yoojin said. "I will catch you guys" Cale replied as he giggling. After few hours they went to their room and took a bath. Their all stays in one room. Their room were huge. One big fluffy beds , violet curtains with beautiful works. "Young Master Yoojin, Young Master Dokja , Young Master Cale, lunch is ready" their butler announced. So they went to dinning hall. They saw their mother. "Mother" they said as they ran towards her and hugged her. "Yes my cute little sons" Persephone said. Then they heard the huge door of the dinning hall open. They saw Hades walking towards them. "Father" the trio's called as they ran towards Hades. The emotionless face of Hades changed into happy mood as he saw his son's. "My babies" he said as he picked the trio's up. "Father , we are not babies" Yoojin pouted . Hades smiled at his son's cuteness. "Papa is very strong" Cale said as he patted his father's face. "I am?" Hades asked him childrens. "Yep. Father is really strong" Yoojin replied. Hades was really happy to hear this and hugged them tightly. "I am strong because I have to protect what I treasure ,which you 3 and your mother from some ugly insects" Hades explained as he put the trio's down. "Is it the reason why you won't allow us to go outside the underworld realm" Dokja asked in curiosity. "You are right my child" Hades replied as he patted  Dokja. "Does that mean we can't go outside even if we grown up?" Cale asked as he tilted his head cutely. 'So cute' they thought. "About that me and your mother will decide when you guys grown up" Hades replied as he helped cale to sit on his  chair. "Okay" Cale replied cheerfully. Then they eat their lunch. The trio's explained what were they doing and some funny incidents that happened.


Years later the cute chubby kids grown up into handsome young mens. Yoojin is 20 years old, Dokja is 19 while Cale is 17. Even though they grown up they are still cute, which made Hades to became more protective. But don't underestimate them ,they are really strong enough to kill gods. After all they are Hades and Persephone kids.

"Hyung" Dokja heard Cale calling him. It is really rare to Cale call him and Yoojin" Hyung". Because most of the time they call each other by their names. "What is it Cale?" Dokja asked as he  walked toward Cale who is standing little away from him. "I am tried" Cale replied as he spread his hands motioning to pick him up. "You are really lazy aren't you" Dokja said while chuckling. Then he pick up Cale in his hands. "I am" Cale replied proudly.

Like this:

Cale rested his head on Dokja shoulder and fell asleep

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Cale rested his head on Dokja shoulder and fell asleep. Dokja hug him tightly as he saw Cale fell asleep and carried him to their room. Even through they grown up they shared single bed. "He fell asleep again" Dokja heard Yoojin asking him. "Yes" Dokja replied as he laid Cale on their bed. "*Sigh* He looks more fragile now" Yoojin said as he patted Cale. "Hm" Dokja hummed in reply. "Oh did you hear the Father allowed us to go outside the underworld realm for higher studies" Dokja asked. "Really , he  did?" Yoojin asked. "Yeah I heard this from the our butler" Dokja replied. "Well that means we have to became overprotective brothers and don't allow any pests near Cale" Yoojin said as he ready to kill anyone who come near Cale. "Yep" Dokja replied with a devilish  smirk. "Young Masters" They heard the butler calling them. "Come in" Yoojin said. "Lord asked for your presence" the butler said. They nodded as they walked out of the room." Young Masters what about Young Master Cale"  the butler  asked. "Cale is sleeping now. So let's not disturb him" Dokja replied.

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