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Academy's library is huge but it is not as huge as the library the trio's own in their underworld castle. Cale entered the academy's library , he looked for some interesting novel that will help in his boredom. He picked 4 novels that catch his interest and walked towards the table near the window in the corner. He and Dokja really liked spend their time reading interesting novels, while Yoojin likes to take care of the his cute but dangerous so called kids monsters. Those beast children see Yoojin as their parent and Yoojin too see them as his kids. Whenever Yoojin take care of those kids, he and Dokja will watch them while continued reading their favourite novels. Cale was reading half way of the third novel he took when 2 persons joined his table. He looked up from the novel to the 2 persons in front of him. "Good evening Cale, if you don't mind can we sit here" Alberu, the crown prince and the student council president asked while smiling brightly. Other person next to him Choi Han the vice president. "Good evening, the brightest sun of Roan kingdom, his highness. You are already sitting here ,so is there any need for my permission. I am truly blessed to have your presence, your highness" Cale active his glib tounge. Cale know the crown prince is cunning and have glib tounge, so glib tounge against glib tounge a fair match. Alberu's smile twitched while Choi Han control himself not to laugh at the situation. "Ahem, Cale , let me asked you directly why we came here for " Alberu said as he cleared his throat while glaring at Choi Han. Cale looked at Alberu suspiciously , he can feel a headache coming "Would you like to join student counci-" "No" Alberu didn't even get a chance to finish what he wanted to and got rejected directly. "May I ask you why?" Alberu asked . "It will hinder my slacker life" Cale replied. Few minutes of silence for an outburst by the student council duo. "WHAT!!!???". And they receive an deadly glare from the Librarian. "Sorry ma'am" both of them apologized. "Are you serious?" Alberu asked while Choi Han looked at Cale for the reply. "I am" Cale replied sternly. Alberu looked at him as he is crazy while Choi Han chuckled at Cale expression after replying, feeling proud. After few minutes of exchange an defeated Alberu and amused Choi Han walked out of the library. "Finally, peaceful atmosphere" Cale said as he looked towards the disappearing backs. "An quater Dark elf and a single lifer. What an interesting pair"Cale muttered while smiling slightly.

"Yoojin~~ did you miss me~" Hyunjae asked Yoojin who were talking to his new friends Yoohan and Yerim. "Absolutely not~" Yoojin replied sweetly. "Ouch! Yoojin~ please don't my feelings" Hyunjae said while his right hand clenching onto his chest, other wiping his non existent tears. Yoojin rolled his eyes while Yoohan and Yerim looked at Hyunjae as if he finally gone crazy. Hyunjae looked at Yoojin, suddenly wrapping his right hand around Yoojin's perfect waist, snapping his fingers and teleporting themselves to somewhere. "You, Bastard!!" Yoojin yelled at Hyunjae for taking him somewhere without his permission, before looking around their new surroundings. It is a deep forest. Beautiful as it can be. Yoojin was mesmerized by beauty, while Hyunjae looked at Yoojin who eyes were sparkling like stars and smiled. "Yoojin" Hyunjae called. "Hmm" Yoojin looked at him." Let's explore~" Hyunjae said as he took Yoojin deeper into the forest. After ten minutes of walk, they are standing in front of a huge waterfall situated in the middle of the forest. "Wow" Yoojin said as he looked at beautiful waterfall that vanishing into the lake. Yoojin walked towards the lake and saw different varieties of fishes. He took of his uniform coat and rolled up his pants. Then putting his legs into the lake while sitting on the shore. Yoojin closed his eyes enjoying the voices of the forest and the coolness of the lake. Hyunjae walked towards him as sit next to him and enjoyed the beauty. But what Hyunjae enjoyed was not the beauty of the forest but the beauty of the person sitting next to him. The way Yoojin's eyelashes flutters lightly with the wind and the reflection of the water on his face due the sunlight, making Yoojin more ethereal. Yoojin opened his eyes, his black eyes met the golden that holding lot of affection and love towards him. Yoojin's breath hitched. Even he gonna never admit it to in front of latter,the person in front of him was really handsome. Golden eyes that matching the platinum blonde hair, sharp and perfect face, well built body. Perfect in every way. The golden eyes staring into his black, like wanting to devour him fully. Yoojin averted his gaze towards waterfall. If he continued looking into those golden eyes he will fall deeper than he already is. It's been seven months since he and his brothers entered the Academy and Hyunjae trying to court him. He don't know when he fell in love with the latter, but he knows he already had fallen for Hyunjae. Dokja and Cale know about it already. Even Dokja hates Hyunjae guts, he was happy for his brother found love. But he haven't tell Hyunjae about it. Unlike him, Hyunjae is a human. They only have limited time to live. They are not immortal like him and his family. He was afraid to let go of Hyunjae to death. He is the eldest son of God of death, his father will help him to make Hyunjae immortal like them. But he was afraid the latter will refuse it, and immortality is so a curse. Hyunjae may have to see his loved ones die while he been immortal. For the first time Yoojin wished for been born as a human. He let out a chuckle at his own thoughts. He looked at Hyunjae, who was still looking at him. "Thank you, for taking me here and showing me this beauty of nature" Yoojin said softly while looking into the golden eyes. Hyunjae was surprised by the sudden thanking,then grinned. "Then as a thanks, will I get a reward~" Hyunjae asked while standing up and walked towards Yoojin who was standing little bit away from him, putting on his coat. "Reward?" Yoojin asked looking at Hyunjae in front of him, black eyes filled with confusion and curiosity. Hyunjae wrapped his arms around Yoojin's waist and pulled him closer. Yoojin's eyes widened as a hot lip brushed against his. Hyunjae's left hand grabbed Yoojin's neck pulled the latter into deep kiss. Yoojin unconsciously opened his mouth which made an hot tongue to intruder into his mouth. Hyunjae's tongue explored his mouth eagerly. Yoojin's grabbed onto Hyunjae's coat while moan against the latter's mouth. Hearing the moan, Hyunjae became more hungry for the latter. Yoojin was out of breath due to deep kiss, he don't know how but successful bites into Hyunjae lips making the latter break their kiss. Yoojin was panting, his face was beet red, and his eyes were blurred due to the tears. But the blur didn't stop him from seeing the Hyunjae handsome face. Hyunjae sexy licked his lips as he looked at Yoojin. Yoojin put his head on Hyunjae's chest as he tried to control his breathing. "Yoojin's~ mouth is so sweet like a sugar candy" Yoojin heard Hyunjae saying it with his deep voice into his ears while lightly nibbled his earlobe. Yoojin pushed himself away from the man's chest and looked at the other's eyes. The golden eyes watched him like a prey. "Let's go back" Yoojin said as he looked away while relieved that he didn't stutter. Hyunjae smiled and nodded as he didn't want tease Yoojin anymore. They teleported back into the Academy. Fortunately right in front of Dokja and others. Dokja and Cale were searching for Yoojin, while Alberu and their group searching for Hyunjae. They meet at the hallway when they were searching for their person respectively. They instantly clicked that both Yoojin and Hyunjae were together. And now both them are standing in front of them, Hyunjae's hands on Yoojin waist while Yoojin grabbing onto Hyunjae's coat. Dokja was glaring at Hyunjae, Sung Jin Woo looking amused, Alberu's and Choi Han's mouths opened and closed like a fish, then Cale and Jonghyuk with their trademark stoic face. Well their life's are getting more interesting.

Finally the exam are over!!. Sorry for not updating for long. I think I should added slowly updated to the tags. Even through exams are over there is still class *sob* *sob*.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter~

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