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The next day they went school and there starts the murmuring of the students. But this time Cale decided to ignore the murmuring and gazes towards them. "Why are they looking at us like that and whispering ? " Yoojin asked as he was really getting pissed off by it. "Who knows ?" Dokja replied as he shrugged. Well its just how can they close their mouth when they saw 3 ethereal beauty's. Some of them are jealous while others want their attention. Then the trio's their own classes.

Yoojin was minding his own business when someone approaches to him. "So you are the one of new students who known for their beauty" A man with sliver blonde asked. "Hmm?" Yoojin was really confused by what the man was saying. " What are you sirens? Hmm No you are a human. Interesting~" that man said. 'What the hell is he saying?' Yoojin thought. "I am Sung Hyunjae, nice to meet you" the man introduced himself with a grin. "Yoojin, nice to meet you too" Yoojin said. "Has anyone tell you how beautiful you are~" Sung Hyunjae whispered in Yoojin's ears. Yoojin shivers as the hot breath touches his skin. "What nonsense are you talking?" Yoojin asked as he glared at Sung Hyunjae. Everyone around them was pretty shocked by Yoojin yelling at one of the prestigious student of the academy without any care. Sung Hyunjae was amused by it too. Most of the girls and boys are trying hard to talk to him while the black haired beauty is yelling at him without any care. "You are really interesting, Yoojin~" Sung Hyunjae said as he take Yoojin's hand and kiss on back of his hand. "!!!" Everyone was shocked by it. "What the hell is wrong with you" Yoojin yelled as he take his hand away from Hyunjae's grip and glared at him. 'Cute ~' that is the only thing that comes to Sung Hyunjae's mind. Hyunjae was about to caress Yoojin's cheek when a hand stopped him. "Can't you see, he is uncomfortable because of you" he heard the man who stopped him  saying. He looked at the one who stopped him. An black hair man similar to Yoojin with black eyes which remind him of starry sky. "And who might you be?" Hyunjae asked. "I am Kim Dokja and now go away from Yoojin" Dokja replied as he looked at Hyunjae with stoic face. "Ah, Kim Dokja one of the three beauties, I have heard about you. But you are pretty ugly than beauty through" Hyunjae said with smug face . "Oh really, well who cares about if I am a beauty or not. The problem here is you pestering Yoojin,  not about my beauty" Dokja deadpanned. "Oh my, does my words hurts  your feelings" Hyunjae teased Dokja. Hyunjae found other person with an interesting personality. 'This year going to be fun' Hyunjae thought as he grin. "Yes, I am. Because of your evil words old man" Dokja replied with devilish smile. Hyunjae smile twitched when he heard Dokja calling him old man. "How dare you spoke like that to Hyunjae-ssi" a girl yelled at Dokja out of nowhere. "Who are you his boyfriend or something ? He is not a child right then why are you interpreting Hyunjae-ssi" the girl barked like a mad dog. 'What nonsense is she talking about ' they thought. 'Look like she is his fan girl ' Dokja thought as he sighed. "You have no righ-ack!" the girl fell unconscious as  she was hit by a book. They looked at the culprit. "Bullseye" Cale said as he smirked. He wanted to sleep ,but his classmates are so noisy so he decided sleeps in Yoojin's class with permission from both his and Yoojin's teachers . "Cale!!" Yoojin and Dokja called. "She is too loud" Cale grumbled as walked toward them. Cale then looked towards Hyunjae and asked to Yoojin. " Is this guy pestering you?". "Ow don't say like that,  I was just trying to be friends with him" Hyunjae replied while acting like he was hurt by Cale's words. "Is that so?" Cale asked as he tilts  his head to the right. Hyunjae nodded. "Then you should go back to your classroom, the break is over you might get punished if you are late for the class. You too Dokja" Cale said as he looked at Hyunjae and Dokja.  Other thought Cale was concerned about Hyunjae because Cale looks so innocent and kind. "Okay, then bye Yoojin~" Hyunjae walked away after winking at Yoojin. "Now that pest is gone, let me sleep" Cale said as he laid on Yoojin's lap. "Then I am going to" Dokja said as he walked out of the room. "Cale don't you have classes too. Why are you here?" Yoojin asked. "I asked our teachers to permit me to sleep here and they agreed" Cale give him an short explanation. 'Don't tell me you scam them too, Aigoo' Yoojin thought.

Sorry for not updating for a long time. I was busy with my studies and also found so many fanfics of tcf and become addicted to it 😅 . But the main reason for not updating will be network issues in my college dorm 😵. The funny thing is I can read fanfics but can't update my stories 🤧. Now it's vacation time even though we have online class😑 so I  will try by best to update the stories🤗.

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