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Hear no shit, speak no shit, and take no shit.

Madrid, Spain ~ Leonardo's POV

When I was done ending the rat's life, I requested that Miguel get rid of the body. I put my blazer back on after wiping the blood of my hands and rolling down my sleeves. I headed for my father's office; he should have arrived by now. My mother found it more comfortable to attend to her duties as Doña from home.

As usual, I entered without knocking. Yes, he was the Don, but most importantly, he was my father. Family first after all. In the mafia, there were three kinds of family. Those you shared blood with, those trusted to form the inner gang, and the others that operated under you.

"¿Que has descubierto?" He went straight to the point after I had taken a seat on the couch opposite him. (What have you discovered)

"Dijo que la mafia inglesa lo envió a recopilar información." (He said the English mafia sent him to gather information)

The man's confession was very strange to me. Why would a mafia we had never had a run in with want us snooped on? They were ranked the most powerful in the world. What could they possibly need from us that they didn't already have? We did have best weapon supply though, could that be it?

"Imposible, nunca lo harían." My father defended, causing me to raise an eyebrow. (Impossible, they would never do it)

"¿Te suena el nombre de Federico White?" He asked. (Does the name Frederick White ring a bell)

His best friend? What did he have to do with any of this? He wasn't even in the mafia.

The two men had met when Mr. White moved to Madrid to care for his aging mother. They would pop in at each other's homes all the time since they were neighbours. However, after Mr. White got married and started a family, he decided to settle down permanently in London. They hadn't seen each other since then, but I suspected my father had kept contact with him.

"Es el jefe de la mafia inglesa y, por tanto, nuestro mayor aliado." He elaborated, surprising me. (He is the Boss of the English mafia and, therefore, our greatest ally)

That did explain why they never operated on our territory and we never did on theirs unless necessary. Even with that, a notice needed to be sent to each other's ruler ahead of time first.

"Pero eso es una tontería. ¿Por qué mentiría?" I argued, receiving no response. (But that's nonsense. Why would he lie)

If the man did lie, it meant for once in my life, I had failed in a torture session. I got up and hurriedly left his office in search of Camilla. I found her at the gazebo with Miguel.

"Cami, ven conmigo." I ordered and returned the way I came. (Come with me)

I heard her footsteps close behind me as I entered my study, and took a seat behind my desk.

"¿Lo que está mal, Leo?" She asked. (What's wrong)

"El jefe de la mafia inglesa es Federico White. Esto significa que la rata definitivamente no era suya. Necesito que averigües todo lo que puedas sobre él." I surmised. (The Boss of the English mafia is Frederick White. This means that the rat was definitely not his. I need you to find out everything you can about him)

"Considérelo hecho." (Consider it done)

Tracking and hacking, her field of expertise in the mafia, excited her very much. Although I had been trained in both since it was expected of the next Don, I found it to be very boring so I left that to Camilla. In most cases that is.

"He encontrado algo." She announced a few minutes later, stepping into my study with her opened laptop in her hands. (I have found something)

"En realidad es inglés, pero antes de ser visto por primera vez en España, fue visto por última vez en el Aeropuerto Internacional White en Rusia." (He is actually English, but before he was first seen in Spain, he was last seen at the White International Airport in Russia)

The fuck?

That did nothing to help. If anything, it just complicated things. If he was indeed sent by the English mafia, what was he doing on Bratva's territory? Another ally's territory. The situation was peculiar, and I didn't like it one bit.


I entered the kitchen, and the aroma of Lucia's homemade paella hit me. Her back was to the entrance of the room, so she hadn't noticed my presence yet. I remained at the entrance to observe as she dished out a portion for herself.

Luciana Sanchez and I met at a party five years ago, and hit it off immediately. We became close since then until our relationship turned into something entirely different. The good kind of different.

She was the only woman that I had fucked more than once. When I wasn't in the mood to search for a new woman for the night, I dropped by the penthouse to have a taste of the ravishing blonde.

I quietly moved towards her and placed my hands on her hips. I lightly brushed my lips behind her ear, and she shivered in response. It pleasured me to see how much I affected her.

When we agreed to fuck, the one rule was to not develop feelings for each other. Guess who broke it? I couldn't blame her though, after all, I was irresistible.

It would have been wise to end everything to avoid hurting her, but she insisted that she would get over it soon, and I gave up trying to keep her away.

"Hola cariño." She greeted, turning to plant her lips on mine. (Hello darling)

I responded eagerly, lifting her up against the wall as she wrapped her legs around my waist. My tongue invaded her mouth, exploring every inch. Things heated up pretty quickly and I ended up fucking her on the island in the middle of the kitchen. 

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