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They were the scent of blood and death like a perfume.

Unknown Location ~ 3rd Person's POV

The brown haired woman paced the carpets of her sitting room, her mind was in a frenzy. The CEO had set snipers on the girl after he had found out she was the daughter of the English mafia's Boss.

Unfortunately, even after she purposely failed to wire another bodyguard, he still somehow got his way. She was beginning to suspect that he had spies in the Spanish mafia but she couldn't fathom how.

She racked her brain to find ways of saving Ava without personally interfering. The man the CEO had tasked to watch her would no doubt kill her if she tried anything stupid. She continued to walk back and forth till her eyes landed on her phone. She picked it up to dial her husband's number. He picked up on the third ring.

"Your cousin is about to ruin everything. Find a way to warn them about the snipers set on the girl's back."

London, England ~ Leonardo's POV

We walked out the massive doors of the White mansion towards the limo that had picked us up from the airport. Amaia absentmindedly observed her surroundings, and Cami and Miguel were in a heated discussion. I slowed my pace, allowing them to bypass me so I could listen in on whatever they were talking about.

"No te creo." (I don't believe you)

"No me importa." (I don't mind)

Cami seemed really excited, and Miguel looked rather annoyed.

"No puedes decirme que no sentiste nada, ni siquiera la más mínima atracción hacia Ellie." (You can't tell me that you didn't feel anything, not even the slightest attraction towards Ellie)

"Lo acabo de hacer. ¿Podrías dear estas tonterías por favor?" (I just did. Could you stop this nonsense please)

"¡No! Noté la forma en que ustedes dos se miraron durante la cena." (No! I noticed the way you looked at each other during dinner)

Ellie? Ava's second in command?

The dark brown haired with steel blue eyes was pretty, I had to admit, but she had no chance of winning over Miguel. No chica did. How could you win over a man who didn't believe in love nor had any interest in sex? He was completely oblivious to the beauty of the female population.

"¿Qué pasa contigo?" Miguel mocked. (What about you)

"¿Qué hay de mí?" (What about me)

"Vi la forma en que mirabas al nerd por el rabillo del ojo como un adolescente tímido enamorado." (I saw the way you looked at the nerd out of the corner of your eye like a shy teenager in love)



She suddenly stopped walking and turned to face Miguel, "No, no lo estaba." (No, no I wasn't)

I knew immediately from her tone that she was blushing tomato red. Camilla did have a crush on the guy. Ah well, the guy in question wasn't sore on the eyes, and they were both hackers, so why not?

"Mmm. Si te ayuda, lo pillé mirándote con los ojos con esta ardiente necesidad en sus ojos." (If it helps, I caught him ogling you with this burning need in his eyes)

"¿De verdad?" Her face brightened in the darkness. (Really)

"No." He deadpanned, crushing her fantasies and walking quickly away from her.

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