3. Pleas don't leave me, please.

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Chapter 3

I get out from the bathroom and head back to my new bedroom. My bedroom is next to Rosie's. Although she is my bff, I feel weird and uncomfortable to be here. I lay down at my new bed, soft and sweet. I think about the last time I saw my parents, before I got on plane...

"Honey, I am so sorry to send you to America so suddenly. You know, me and daddy need to get a divorce. We don't want you to be upset and you like to go to America right? It is a very good time and excuse for you to go." mum said. Her tone is weird. Like we won't be able to see each other again.

"Mum, I really really want to go with you instead of myself. Please don't leave me, please!" I begged.

"No! Don't be make things hard. Just go okay? I will miss you and love you always." mum hugged me tightly and kiss me on my forehead. Then I saw my dad,"Daddy, why I have to leave because of your divorce? I can handle it, I don't need to be sent away!" I said.

"We are very very sorry, honey. It... it is a good opportunity for us to let go and send you... to America for further study. Studying in America is great fun honey. You will love it okay?" he said. I can see tears fill inside my parents eyes. They hugged me one last time and kiss me. Then, they said goodbye. Honey.


I wake up. Sunlight is coming into my bedroom. Wait, this is not my bedroom. Where am I? I immediately jeck up from the bed and realize that I am now in America. I pick up my phone on the nightstand beside me and whatsapp my mum.

"Hey mummy. I miss you. How are you today? I want to go back home!"

She is offline, no reply. It should be 10 o'clock in the evening now and she won't be sleeping. What happen? Mum never forget to text me when I am out to ensure my safety and she won't miss my message once. Where is she? Ouch! My stomach feels weird. Last time I have this feeling is when mummy goes to hospital because she faints on the street as she didn't sleep well. What had happen? Or maybe she is just too upset about the divorce? I am not sure and I don't know what to do.

"Hey Georgina. You wake up? Can I come in?" ask Rosie.

"Yup. just come in alright." I yell.

She comes inside with a tray. Those are breakfast with egg, beans and yogurt.

"Good morning! Let's eat our breakfast. my mum already leave. She has to go back to her firm. oh! we have to go to my school- Monica High. We have to enroll you to the school. Now we are near to summer and it is time for school enrollment."

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