Chapter 2.-The date

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*Ring, ring....ring ring* I wake up to the sound of my ringing phone.  I pick up the phone not bothering to look at the caller id. The only person who would dare call me this early in the morning is Kierian.

"RRR," I growled into the phone, " Kierian, this had better be an emergency. It's still dark out for cripes sake!" I exclaimed groggily.

"Um, Hello to you too..." He said in a shocked yet still smoothe voice.

"I, oh my goodness, I am so sorry. It's just that I never receive phone calls this early." I said with a guilt ridden tone. I knew that voice, and it wasn't Kierian's.

I snuck a look at my alarm clock, it was taunting me brightly saying 5:30 in the morning.

" I was calling you to set up that date you promised me. Buuut," He dragged out." If you don't want to go I can understand." he said in a fake hurt tone even though I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Yes, that's great. But can you tell me why you had to call at 5:30 in the morning?" I questioned trying to stifle my own giggle.

"Well, I thought we could see the sunset together and then have some fun." He said excitedly.

"Okay, but define fun." I said hearing the mischevious tone in his voice.

"That would spoil the fun now wouldn't it? Just wear something you can get dirty." He stated.

Just as I went to protest he barged in saying "Ana, I'll be there in a half hour to pick you up. Be ready doll."

And with that, the line went dead.

Well that was rather embarrassing, I thought to myself. And what does this man have planned for a first date. Wear something you can get dirty? What in the hell is that supposed to mean?

I threw the covers off my warm body and started to get ready. I took a look in the mirror and my jaw dropped. This is going to take a lot of work after staying up late last night. I wasn't expecting the date to be this freaking early.

I threw my dark hair up in a clip deciding that would be best since it was unusually unruly with waves and plus, I had no idea what Chase had in store for me today.

 I quickly slapped on some foundation and applied a little eye liner and mascara, not too much, just enough to make my bluish- green eyes  pop, at leat that's what color they were today. They change color naturally depending on my mood and what color shirt I was wearing. Wierd, but true.  I added a little blush to make my high cheek bones stand out a bit and voila...make up done. Now for the clothes.

I was completely stumped as to what to wear. So I went to my catch all sort of outfit. I put on a tight fitting black tank top and my tan cargo pants. I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of tennis shoes and put them on.

I turned to take one last look in the mirror just as I put my seal of approval on my choice of outfit, my phone started to buzz.

I'm outside.The text simply stated.

 I grabbed my shoulder bag and ran down all of the stairs quietly so I didn't wake everyone else in the house this early in the morning.

The museum was located on the first floor of the mansion so our actual house was upstairs. The first floor of our living space was filled with the kitchen, dining room, living room, and a restroom. The second floor was my mom's floor, third was Grandma's, Fourth was Kierian's, and finally the fifth floor was my floor. We each had a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, and living room. They were like large apartments just in the same house if that makes sense. All of the rooms on the first floor were primarily used for entertaining guests that my grandma would have over from time to time.

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