Chapter 4. Meeting the family

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    I swear, I woke up every hour on the hour throughout the night. When the clock finally read 7:00 am. I tossed my comfy purple comforter off and sat up on the edge of my king sized bed. I dug my toes into the plush royal purple colored carpet that was on my bedroom floor. In case you haven't realized this yet, my favorite color is purple. My whole room is covered in all shades of purple. Mostly a very light heather purple on the walls with a royal purple trim. My sheer curtians were even a whispy light purple with gold rose designed embroidery all through them.

    I hopped out of bed and made my way to my bathroom. I walked over to the door and one look into the large mirror with gold trim confirmed my suspicions. I was a mess. Puffy eyes, hair all in a bunch whisping in every direction. I had a rough night last night all due to my nerves and worries about what is to come today. 'This is the day' I thought to myself. 'They are either going to love him or hate him, either way they aren't going to stop me from being with him. I am totally and completely addicted to this man. I can't remember a time when I have felt this way toward someone. My whole mind and body are pulled to this man.' That is a scary thought in a sense. I don't want to get hurt, but if I never put myself out there I will never find the love I want so badly. Yes, I have Kierian and my family, but there is still something missing and I have a feeling that Chase is the key to it all. This man is perfect for me in every way.

    I looked down and started opening up the drawers in my vanity. They contained every piece of make up you could imagine, and it is going to take  a lot to make me presentable this morning. I pulled the top drawer opened which contained all of my foundations and concealers. I applied a small amount of foundation and went in under my eyes with a light concealer trying to brighten them up a bit. So far it is working. I quickly got to work applying the rest of my make up, I decided to go with shades of purple on my eyes to have a smoky lavender look with just a hint of a winged eye liner at the outside edge of my eyes. I went with purples since I all ready knew which outfit I was going to wear today. I finished the look by putting on a light hint of blush just enough to make my cheek bones pop a bit. I gave myself a quick glance making only a few adjustments to my face and headed out of the bathroom to my walk-in closet.

    I guess I'm a bit spoiled, I have more clothes and accessories than I would ever need, but Grandma insists on buying me these things. From her modeling days she has held on to the theory that a girl can never have enough____ fill in the blank with whatever she is talking about. I giggled at that thought. She sure is something else. I opened the closet door and headed right for my camisoles, I chose a white one for today. I turned to my right and rifled through numerous tops to find the one I wanted. I finally got to it, it is a see through royal purple lace T-shirt style. I wanted to be comfortable yet dressed up a bit. Not too over the top though, so I sauntered over to my blue jeans and picked out a medium wash pair. Not dark, but not light either, just right to match the tops I picked out.

    I walked out of my closet after choosing to pick a pair of studded purple heels out of my collection. The tops and sides were a velvet royal purple material but in the back they were studded in silver all the way down the heel. I needed the height when it came to Chase. He is rather tall. I walked over to my bed and sat the outfit I chose down on the corner of it then proceeded to change. After I put it on I walked over to my closet which had full length mirrors as doors that went he whole lenght of the wall this huge closet took up. My outfit had my seal of approval. Now for this rats nest of hair I had on my head. I put it up, then took it down, parted it to the side, flipped it this way and that way and couldn't quite settle on anything. I went back into my bathroom and pulled out the drawer on the vanity to the left which held all of my styling tools. I chose the large curling iron and proceeded to put big curls in my hair. I pinned the sides up with clips that had purple gemstones in them. Another thing checked off my list.

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