If I Only Had a Heart

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It was another long walk, and Lucera and Espantapájaros found themselves in a forest of rainbow trees.

"Wow, they don't call this the land of Arts for nothing," Lucera gaped. "It's so full of color."

Suddenly, the duo heard what sounded like groaning.

"¿Oíste algo?" Espantapájaros asked.

"Sí, ¿pedro de donde viene?" Lucera asked. She and Espantapájaros followed the sound of the groaningand came across a tin man. "Mira, es un hombre de estaño."

Estaño started groaning as though he were trying to talk.

"Did you say something?" Lucera asked.

Estaño continued to groan, but Lucera and Espantapájaros could barely decipher what he was trying to say. Espantapájaros went behind him and came across a wind-up key.

"Oh, he just needs a wind-up," Espantapájaros said. He and Lucera wound up the key, and Estaño was moving around.

"Muchisimas gracias," Estaño smiled.

"De nada," Lucera smiled. "I'm Lucera, and this is Espantapájaros."

"Mucho gusto," Estaño smiled. "If you hadn't come when you did, I'd be stuck there forever. I wish the tinsmith had remembered to give me a heart."

"¿No tienes corazón?" Lucera and Espantapájaros gaped.

"Ni un corazón," Estaño sighed. He sadly began to sing.

ESTAÑO: When a man's an empty kettle,

He should be on his metal

And yet I'm torn apart

Just because I'm presumin'

That I could be kinda human

If I only had a heart

I'd be tender, I'd be gentle

And awful sentimental

Regarding love and art

I'd be friends with the sparrows

And the boy who shoots the arrows

If I only had a heart

Picture me a balcony

Above, a voice sings low

LUCERA: Wherefore art thou, Romeo?

ESTAÑO: I hear a beat

How sweet

Just to register emotion, jealousy, devotion

And really feel the part

I could stay young and chipper

And I'd lock it with a zipper

If I only had a heart

Lucera and Espantapájaros felt sorry for Estaño, and then Lucera got an idea.

"Maybe you should come with us to see the Wizard of Arts," Lucera suggested. "He's going to send me home to Havana, and he's going to give Espantapájaros a brain. I'm certain he'll give you a heart."

"¿De verdad?" Estaño asked. "Well, okay, I'll go."

"¿Vamos?" Lucera asked, offering her arms.

"Vamos," Espantapájaros and Estaño chorused, each taking an arm.

The three friends skipped down the road as they sang.

We're off to see the Wizard

The wonderful Wizard of Arts

We hear that he is a whiz of a whiz in all this land's parts

If ever oh ever a whiz there was

The Wizard of Arts is one because, because, because, because, because, because, because of the wonderful things he does

We're off to see the Wizard

The wonderful Wizard of Arts!

What Lucera and her friends didn't know was that la Bruja Malvada was in her fortress, using her crystal ball to spy on them. "So, la niña has friends to help her—está bien," she sneered. "Anyone helping la muchacha is putting themselves in danger of being at my mercy. They'd better watch out."

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