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Yoongi's POV

You'd expect Yoongi to be freaking out right about now, right? But no, he's listening to lo-fi in the kitchen while preparing dinner. He feels calmer today than ever which is surprising, to say the least. I think this is what you'd call character development, and Yoongi couldn't be more proud of himself.

The kimchi-jjigae was just about done so he turned the heat on low and left it to simmer until dinner time. Now, he had to quickly grab the ring from his night table and place it in the cabinet on the left of the stove. He opened the box one last time to make sure it was still in there, and of course, it was. It made him feel much better now that he had double-checked. He walked inside the kitchen and carefully placed the box into the cabinet.

He glanced back at the time for a moment and seeing that he had only a few minutes left he decided to do a few quick finishing touches to make sure that everything was perfect.

The door opened as Yoongi finished placing the centerpiece on the table. "Hey, right on time." He turned around and smiled brightly at Jimin.

"Would you have expected anything else, Hyung?" Jimin smirked as he spoke and it reminded him of when they first met.

"You're right, my love. I forget how punctual you are sometimes, but it's a good thing that I was ready on time tonight." Yoongi did a little happy dance as he felt very proud of that fact.

"Good job, honey. Now come here and give me a hug." Jimin extended his arms out and enveloped Yoongi in a warm hug.

"I missed you." Yoongi sighed into the hug, allowing himself to fully enjoy the moment before it ended.

"I missed you too." Jimin gave Yoongi one more big squeeze before pulling away from his embrace.

"Are you ready to eat? Everything is ready." Yoongi asked, tightening his chest for a minute as the moment got closer and closer.

"I'm ready, Hyung. Is there anything you need help with?" Jimin knew that Yoongi wouldn't let him help but it was still kind of him to ask anyways.

"I think I got it but I'll let you know." Yoongi walked back into the kitchen and little by little started placing the food onto the dinner table.

"Okay, I'll sit down here while you do the rest." Jimin sat down on the other side of the table and admired the beautiful bouquet of flowers resting in the middle of the table. He could really tell that his Hyung put a lot of work into tonight's date, and couldn't wait to see what else was in store.

"I think that's everything." Yoongi walked around the counter and pulled his chair out before taking a seat.

"It looks amazing, Hyung. I can't believe you did all of this." Jimin stared at the table in awe as he noticed that even all of the side dishes were some of his favorites. He was so excited to eat now that everything was perfectly laid out on the table.

"Actually, there's something in the cabinet that's on the left of the stove that I need. Would you mind getting it for me, my love?" Yoongi asked calmly, hoping that nothing seemed suspicious so far.

"Yeah, of course, Hyung. Give me a second." Jimin stood up and walked over to the cabinet slowly. He opened the door and saw the small box sitting on the shelf. He grabbed the box, suddenly realizing what it was. He turned around to see Yoongi on one knee in front of him. He felt tears rush to his eyes as he stared back at Yoongi. He carefully opened the box and saw the most beautiful opal ring. (It was his favorite stone.)

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