Chapter 8

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Abhi watched Pragya move on him in amazement. He would never have predicted that she would choose to start with her on top, but he wasn't complaining. It gave him an incredible view of her body, and all he had to do was hold her as she moved.

At first she was busy watching what she was doing, navigating her position on top of him. But finally she looked at him for reassurance.

"Am I doing it right?" she whispered.

"You're doing it perfect," he told her, his fingers digging into her hips.

She leaned forward, her hair falling like a curtain around them as she kissed him.

The angle of their joining changed, becoming shallower. As Pragya's movements slowed, Abhi gripped her buttocks and pounded into her. He forgot about anything except the exquisite feeling of her core, hot and lush around his cock. Her beautiful, soft body pressed against him everywhere, all the skin-to-skin contact melting his mind. Moving in her was like second nature, his hips thrusting up without any instruction from him.

As much as he liked it, he knew what he liked even better. He flipped her onto her back, coming on top of her and quickly entering her again. He set his forehead against hers, wanting to be as close and possible as he moved against her. He slid slowly in and out, setting a much gentler rhythm than before, and not as deep.

Her breath hitched, and her fingernails bit into his shoulders. She was enjoying this position more, and so was he.

He captured her lips again. She kissed him back, there with him every step of the way. He pumped into her at a steady pace, listening for the little gasps and choked moans that proved he was pleasing her.

Finally he felt himself getting close, and with the last shred of his self control, he pulled out of her delicious heat. His eyes clenched closed as he tugged on his cock, bringing himself to climax with a few rough strokes. With a groan, he spilled onto her belly, his semen spattering onto her skin.

He moved off of her and collapsed, panting, to the bed.

Exhaustion threatened to overtake him, but he fought against it and grabbed a tissue from the box on the nightstand. He quickly wiped his release off her stomach. Then he balled up the tissue and tossed it to the ground.

He lay back on the bed, still breathing hard, weaving his hand into his hair as he tried to get control of his thoughts.

His brain felt like it was shattered into a million pieces. He'd had enjoyable sex before, but this was...something else. Something that left him devastated and spent, in the best possible way.

Abhi looked over at Pragya. She had been a virgin, and he had completely forgotten that he was supposed to go slow for her. "Hey." He picked up her hand. "Did I hurt you?"

"No," she said immediately, and relief swept through him.

"I'm sorry, it got intense, I...I was trying to remember it was your first time, but near the end..." He gave her a small sheepish smile. "I got carried away, because it was too good. You... we, we're really good."

She smiled back, "Yeah, that was pretty good."

A tiny corner of his mind wanted to argue. It was only pretty good for her? But if that was the best she had to say of it, he clearly hadn't done a good enough job. "Next time will be even better," he promised instead.

And then for several long heartbeats, they just looked into each other's eyes, a silent gaze drawing them together in shared connection.

He let out a long, slow breath, his gaze trailing down her body. "I should have asked about coming on your stomach. Sorry."

She waved away his apology, gently setting her hand on his chest. "I didn't mind."

Even after everything they had just done, he was finding it hard to believe they had actually done it. "I didn't think you would say yes tonight. To all of this."

"I - I wasn't. I was going to ask to wait."

He gave a small laugh. "What changed your mind?"

"I don't know." She shook her head. "I asked and I wanted to say yes."

"So I changed your mind," he said with a grin.

She scowled a little, which was somehow more adorable than her smile. Or was that his endorphins talking? It would be something for him to investigate further, when his brain was working properly.

"Waise...." He dropped his head back to the pillow, wedging his arm under it. "I will get condoms tomorrow. But that was my first time too, in a way. I've never done it without a condom before."

"Because you've never done it with your wife before," she pointed out.

Then they both looked at each other and laughed, the tension and awkwardness of the moment dissolving away.

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