Chapter 4

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I pulled out my phone and found my contact for Elizabeth, and texted her
" I want to go home my parents will kill me if they find out about this " I sent it in a text message because she didn't want me to embarrass her in front of her friends, I put my phone back in my pocket trying not to draw any attention to myself I look over and see Elizabeth pull out her phone after she heard the ring, I watch her type and when she was done she put her phone in her pocket, I hear my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pull it out and read the text,
" Just play a couple more games and if you still don't like it we will go home," I think to myself a couple more games won't kill me I mean how bad could it get?
Truth or dare? asked a girl with no shirt on she was in her bra, she stares at me waiting for an answer I reply with dare only because I wanted to seem week considering no one this whole game has said truth yet,
" I dare you to take off your clothes and run down the back road for one minute straight" my heart started pounding in fear, no I can't do this I think to myself Elizabeth turns over to me shakes her head and whispers if you do this we can go home after ok she smiles at me, as a blonde girl who looked really shy said that she walks beside me with my stuff and she promised, so I decided I would do it,
We walk out of the house I take my clothes off and I walk to the road and start to run as fast as I could as the blonde hair girl ran beside me with all of my stuff the other People stood back at the end of the road where I started to run, I hear this car driving at a loud speed towards me I keep tuning assuming it was just a normal car, it pulls up beside us, three men get out of the car and start to grab us I try to fight. I screamed for help I could here Elizabeth and everyone else screaming that they were coming I saw two boys start to run towards me, but the next thing I knew I was in the back of a truck with the blonde hair girl I could here the blonde hair girl crying I felt my beg and started to pull it towards me I pulled my phone out of my bag and looked at it and started to text Elizabeth saying call the cops get us help please, I send the message and put my phone on vibrate, I grab my clothes out of the beg and start putting my pants on then my shirt there was no one in the back to see me or hear me after my clothes were on I found my pocket knife and I slip it into my pants I leaned over to the blonde girl and told her to calm down everything was going to be ok but to be honest I didn't know, my phone goes off.

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