5. Orphanage

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We woke to the sound of Night crying. I swear if I didn't love her this much I would've kicked ohm and our baby out of this house. I opened my eyes and saw ohm rocking Night in his arms.

Ohm: "Shhh my baby. It's okay it's okay. Our Nanon is sleeping let's not disturb him."
He said while putting the feeder in her mouth. After a minute she started to cry again. Ohm was doing everything he could but nothing helped. I got up and held her. Trying to soothe her by humming. She stopped crying. Ohm was stunned.

Ohm's p.o.v

I always knew nanon was handsome but he looked totally husband material when he calmed our baby... Wait... our? Umm... Anyways... I was deeply mesmerised by this charm while I'm sure Night was also memorised by his voice. She soon fell asleep and I? I was still standing by nanon and staring at him. I could gobble him up. His Cheeks looks like dumplings that I wanna bite it. His nose... I was always insecure about mine but his nose is so pretty. His bedhead is cute too. It looks like a bird's nest. His eyes are so deep. His eyelashes are pretty long. I swear he doesn't need any fixing with make up. he is perfect. I was scared to look at his lips cause I knew I'll lose control. But i couldn’t help. His lips are plumped and pinkish. Do I look this cute right after waking up? Probably not. No one can look this good.
Nanon put Night down and glanced at me. As soon as our eyes met he blushed and looked away.

Nanon:" I have a day off today. So I'm gonna study the whole day. "
I snapped back to reality and hugged him.

Ohm:" I'm also free today why not go to the orphanage? We should check the environment. "

Nanon:" Sure. "

Nanon's p.o.v

After breakfast, we left the house to go to the orphanage. It wasn't that far from my home but it's pretty far from ohm's. As soon as we entered an old lady greeted us. Night started to cry as the place was pretty loud. Children were studying or playing. It was such a lively place.

Old lady: "Hi ohm. You became so handsome. How are your parents? "
I realised this must be the orphanage ohm grew up in. It makes sense at this is the only orphanage in this area. I was expecting ohm to be excited to come here but ohm was gazing at his shoes. Looking very uncomfortable.

He quietly answered with a "fine" and started walking. We met a lady who looked like she was 40+ age. Ohm explained why we are here. We looked around and the lady was keeping us company. We were walking down the hallway when ohm stopped in front of a room. I stopped walking too.

Ohm: "Sister... Can I take a look inside this room? It's just... This used to be mine when I was here"

The lady opened the door and we walked inside. Ohm was looking around with a sad smile on his face.

Ohm:" Nothing changed... Still the same old sh- interior."
We discovered that the orphanage has a different ward for babies this small. It looked good to me. Ohm also nodded. We decided we are gonna drop her here on Wednesday. We were both free that day.

We came back to the car. Night was in the back with me. Ohm sat down on his seat. He didn't look too good. He held the steering wheel and put his forehead on it. He exhaled loudly.

Nanon: "ohm? Are you okay? What happened dude?"
I held his left shoulder and squeezed it.

Ohm:" N-nothing. Let's go home. "
We came home and sat on the couch. Night was making a fuss so I was feeding her and humming. Ohm was still upset about something. I asked if he was alright again and he responded with a loud sob. In these 5 years of friendship, I never heard this man cry loudly. It was always silent or hidden.

I put night down on the couch as soon as I could and hugged him.

Ohm: "Nanon... I still have nightmares from that orphanage. It's not a good place. I felt suffocated when I went there. They all knew what was happening but no one did anything."

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