Chapter 24

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Mahogany came downstairs and headed straight for the coffee pot. Bazgul once again perched in her hair, just like he had since he came to her as a baby. After pouring herself a mug, she reached for the milk and thought better of it, grabbing the carton of half and half instead.

"Good morning," Neema said, coming into the kitchen from the Haughty Hemlock. "Oh, don't worry about the milk. There's no reason for me to spike it anymore. Instead," Neema slammed a hefty, dusty tome on the counter, "we're starting your training."

"Training?" Mahogany peered from the book to Neema. "What kind of training?"

"To become a wortcunner, of course. You come from a long line of herbalist witches. Your great grandfather was one of the best wortcunners for nearly one hundred miles."

"My great-grandfather was a witch?" Mahogany lifted the cover on the tome, which creaked with age.

"One of the best of his generation," Neema said, puffing with pride.

The Haughty Hemlock's door jingled, and Mahogany and Neema headed to greet the customer.

"Blair, my dear," Neema said, giving the lovely Asian woman a warm smile.

Mahogany raised an eyebrow. Neema had come a long way in a short time from 'that Blair girl' to 'my dear.'

"Thank you again for saving everyone from that unhinge, Lilac and Cam," Neema said, picking up the bowl of caramels and offering one to Blair.

"Thank you," Blair said, taking a wrapped candy. As Neema turned to place the bowl back on the counter, Mahogany reached for one, but Neema slapped her hand away.

Mahogany sighed. "What can we do for you this morning, Blair?"

Blair held out a flier. "I wanted to invite you to the bookstore's grand opening."

Mahogany took a flier, her forehead creased in a deep frown. "What's Beds, Books, and Beyond?"

"I changed the bookstore's name when I bought it," Blair said.

"You bought the Poisoned Pen?" Neema said, taking the flier from Mahogany.

"With Cam going to prison, he needed to pay his legal fees, and Ace was happy to accept my offer. He's leaving town. Something about wolves?" Blair shrugged. "I didn't ask."

"How did you have the money to buy a bookstore?" Mahogany said, her mind racing. The idea of Blair living in Pandemonium was almost too much to take in.

"I develop phone apps to help people find their cars after parking in a city. I made a fortune in San Francisco. The app even has a feature that reminds you to move your car when the street sweeper is on the way. The city wasn't happy with that aspect when they had their revenue take a nosedive. Have you ever gotten a parking ticket in the Bay Area?"

Neema and Mahogany shook their heads.

"Well, it isn't cheap, let me tell you. The Pacific North West is like a fairy tale, especially Oregon, and Pandemonium is the prettiest small town I've ever seen. I love it here so much that I decided to stay, and the bookstore was a perfect place to start over."

From behind Mahogany, Guy cleared his throat. "Likely story," he said.

"I'm not sure the bookstore will be the best venue for you," Neema said slowly.

"Not to worry, Neema. Tony has filled me in on Pandemonium's magical history." She eyed Bazgul in Mahogany's curly hair. "And demons," she added. "While I'm human and know nothing about all that, I have hired a magical assistant to help with that side of the business."

"Oh, well, it seems you've thought this through," Neema said, shaking the flier. "We'll be at your opening of," Neema paused, "Beds, Books, and Beyond. Why beds?"

"I've made some changes to the store's layout. There are chaise lounges, hammocks, and beanbag chairs to recline in while customers read." Blair rolled her eyes. "I know they're not beds exactly, but it's a fun pun."

"I see. And the beyond?" Neema said, a polite smile on her face.

"Why, the magic, of course." Blair raised her shoulders in a playful shrug. "Gotta go." She gestured to the stack of fliers in her hand. "Lots of people to invite to the opening. Toodles!"

The bell above the Hemlock's door jangled as Evelina thrust it open. Blair skipped past her. "For you," she said, handing Evelina a flier. "Hope to see you there," and bounced down the street.

Evelina's shoulders slumped, and she gave the flier a shake, glaring at Mahogany and Neema. "You already know she bought Poisoned Pen."

"I think you mean Beds, Books, and Beyond," Mahogany said, tapping the flier in Neema's hand.

Neema cringed and placed the flier on the counter. "If she hadn't helped save your skins, I would have turned that girl into a toad. That has got to be the worst name for a shop."

"I think we could have handled ourselves," Evelina said, raising her chin at Neema. "But you can deny her timing was perfection."

"Truth," Mahogany said.

"You ready?" Evelina said, crumpling the flier and dropping it into the wastebasket.

"Give me two minutes," Mahogany said, heading back into the house.

"How are plans going for the dinner party?" Neema took a rag and polished the glass display counters.

"Fantastic. Everything's set." Evelina's bow-shaped mouth pulled down in a frown. "You're still coming, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for anything," Neema said. "I have a whole tray of macaroons."

"Minus two, Mahogany said, throwing her backpack over her should, a half-eaten macaroon in her hand. Atop her head, Bazgul chattered, coconut crumbs clinging to his fuzzy face.

"Hey, those are for the party," Neema called after them.


A/N: What do you think of Blair sticking around and buying Poisoned Pen? Her new name for the shop is pretty cringe-worthy, but there's no accounting for taste.

If you've made it this far in this story, you are my hero. Thank you so much for all the support. I appreciate you.

Now, on to the last chapter!!

Now, on to the last chapter!!

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The Girl and the Clock Tower Murder: Pandemonium Cozy Mystery #2Where stories live. Discover now