Love Me And Let Me Go

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Port Charles, New York (Jake’s)
“I can’t believe she actually left with him…all he’s gonna do is break her heart again. As Lulu’s brother how can you just let her run off with Johnny Zacchara?” Dante Falconeri scoffed, shooting Lucky Spencer a sideways look.
“My sister does what she wants and nobody can stop her-it’s that simple. Nobody’s ever been able to stop her from running off with Johnny before, after a certain point you just stop caring and pray that you’re little sister knows best. I’m not gonna fight Lulu, she knows where I stand. In all honesty, I don’t think Johnny’s a bad guy…he cares what happens to my sister. You weren’t even here when Lulu and Johnny broke up, you shouldn’t speak on things you know nothing about. It’s clear you never knew my sister. Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a party going on and I’d like to enjoy it.” At first Lucky had really liked Dante but, over the years he saw Lulu become very unhappy and that made Lucky sad because he couldn’t do anything about it. Lucky didn’t want to fight tonight or really any other night, he’d had enough drama to last him a lifetime. As Dante opened his mouth to speak, Lucky walked away with his drink in his hand. Leaning against the Mahogany bar, he let out an exasperated sigh.
“Trouble?” He heard a soft voice chuckle from beside him, turning his head he looked to see who the voice belonged to. Sam McCall sat on a barstool, slightly smiling over at him.
“Dante wants me to go after Lulu because she ran away with Johnny. Frankly, there’s nothing I can do. Lulu is twenty-Five years old, after a certain point you just kinda let her do her own thing. With all of this drama with Elizabeth and Nikolas, I don’t think I can handle anyone else’s. I mean fuck, my son just died. I know that Jake wasn’t biologically mine but, I raised him…Jason didn’t. I’m sorry, I know you love him.” Lucky could barely hold in his feelings anymore.
“I don’t think she’s in any danger, Johnny will keep her safe. I’m so sorry Lucky, when I heard that Elizabeth was pregnant with his baby you were the first person I thought about. No, Jason didn’t raise him…I’m not sure he’ll ever want kids. I want a family of my own, so we broke up. I remember losing Lila…it’s heartbreaking no matter what age. I’m always here for you , Lucky.” Sam frowned, reaching out to touch his arm in a comforting manner.
“Thanks Sam, I appreciate that. You’ve always been good to me-maybe better than I deserve.”
Zacchara Private Jet
“I’m happy to be here with you, you know. I don’t remember much of the first time we ran away together…after Logan. That was a um…crazy time for both of us. I’m just glad we get a second chance at being us.” Lulu spoke, not meaning to bring up the past.
“I’m glad to be here with you, I never thought I’d get another chance with you. I’m not gonna fuck this time. It was a hard time for us but, I think in the end it made us stronger.” Johnny smiled, grabbing her hand.
“You’re right, it did. I don’t really want to think about it too much. When my parents were my age they’d been halfway around the globe, I’m the type of person that just always wants to be on the go. My job doesn’t exactly permit that lifestyle. I’m relived to be away from Dante, I really am.” Lulu looked out of the window briefly, thinking about all she had been through in the past two years.
“Then we’ll focus on better things, I don’t want to talk about that prick. You’re like Luke, and I know that you want to travel. It’s nice being away from Port Charles…I feel like I can breathe again. You know? I don’t blame you, don’t know what you ever saw in Detective Dumbass. I know you’ve been through a lot lately but, I hope I can make it at least a little better.” Johnny reached out to stroke her cheek, Lulu leaned into his touch.
“You always know my boyfriends better than I do, it’s practically a superpower. Are you secretly Charles Xavier? I know what you mean, freedom. Well, it definitely wasn’t the sex. You’re already making it better Johnny, I love you.” Lulu turned to look at him, more in love with him than ever before.
“I grew up with Anthony Zacchara, I know a bad guy when I see one. Haha I wish, that would be more awesome than my life. Oh, don’t tell me Falconeri couldn’t please you..because that must’ve been hell. I love you.” Johnny chuckled, amused at her comments about Dante.
“That is true. Dante couldn’t even make me cum, not even once. It wasn’t enjoyable.” Lulu rolled her eyes.
“Ouch.” Johnny winced with another chuckle.
Soon they would be in California, where all their worries could cease. At least for awhile.

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