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Authors Note: Hey! I've never written a Seddie fanfiction before.. so please leave comments on how I can make it better! This is UNEDITED. Please vote for this story if you love Seddie.

Sam's POV
Meat. I just love it. I live for it. I'd die if I didn't have it. I get up from the couch (which is quite a challenge) and open the fridge. Seriously?! All Spencer bought was ONE steak??!! And he hasn't even cooked it?? I'm going to KILL him.

"SPENCER SHAY!!" I yell. Someone comes down the stairs- but it isn't Spencer. It's that dingbat, Freddie. "Spencer's not home," he says. "What do you need?" Man, why is he so nice? Whatever. "I NEED you to make me a steak." I hand it to him and go flop down on the couch.

Mama loves couches.

Freddie looks mad, but as always, he does what I say. I don't even have to that "for me?" thing Carly does. He's probably just scared of me.

I flip through the channels until I find a rerun of girly cow. The only other thing on is Celebrity's Underwater- what kind of person even wants to watch that junk? Insane people I tell you.

Freddie comes over and hands me the steak, an annoyed expression on his face. "Here's your steak, Puckett." He rolls his eyes. It's so funny when he tries to insult me.

It's almost kind of cute.

No Sam! It isn't cute. My mind must be going crazy from hunger. I scarf down the steak and enjoy watching Girly Cow.

Wait. I'm eating Girly Cow.

Freddie's POV
Samantha Puckett. The worlds most intimidating girl- or she was until about a month ago. For some reason, I'm not scared of her now. Probably puberty.

I don't know why I do everything Sam tells me to do if I'm not scared of her. I'm almost as strong as her now. I guess I'm just used to it. It's like a game.

Carly walks down the stairs from where we were rehearsing iCarly. She's pretty- but lately I haven't felt the butterflies like usual. I'm sure they're still there. Maybe the just migrated for a while.

I've noticed lately that Carly has been paying more attention to me. It's weird. It's like- do I have something stuck in my teeth? She's always looking at my mouth.

Carly sits down next to Sam and they watch Girly Cow- I hate that show. I'd rather watch ANYTHING else. I find it funny that Sam is eating a cow while watching a cow.

I'm such a dork.

Carly's POV
Freddie is so cute. I can't stop staring at him. Tomorrow, I decide. That's when I'll make a move.

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