Creatures of the night - 2

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“Sorry we're late…” Stiles called as we drove up to the hospital to pick Malia up. It's not that she was sick or anything like that. But with the recent storms she and her dad like to go around helping clean up. Volunteering that sort of thing. 

I poked my head out as Malia and her dad approached. “Hi Mr. Tate!” He waved politely. “Hello Isabelle.” 

Malia waved her dad goodbye before she climbed in the Jeep. "Be careful!" Mr. Tate warned and we all replied with smiles and thumbs up. As he walked away to continue helping some people we all turned to Malia. 

“What?” Malia asked when she saw the looks we were giving her that basically screamed "tell me, tell me, tell me.'" 

"Did you find out yet?” I asked. 

“Find out what?” Liam asked, confused. 

“They're gonna email me.” Malia answered. But she didn't answer Liam. 

“Is this about summer school?” Liam questioned and Malia immediately looked at me accusingly. "You told him?” 

I was about to argue my defense before Liam spoke up first with a shake of his head. “Oh, no! All they said was you had to go to summer school 'cause the principal said your test scores weren't good enough and you might have to repeat junior year.” 

Malia glared at us and I turned to look at the boys, mainly so we could avoid Malias glare. Each of us is probably thinking the same thing. “We should have left him chained to the tree.” 

Yeah. Before Stiles can peel away from the hospital Scott holds up his hand in a "wait" manner. "Hold up, I'm gonna see if I can get better wifi at the hospital." Scott got out of the car before any of us could argue why that was a dumb idea and rushed for the doors. Dammit. "He's going to take forever." Malia groaned. 

"I'll go." Liam offered. "I can just get a ride home with my stepdad." Stiles laughed sarcastically. "And I don't trust you so we're all going." 

"Stiles!" I groaned, not wanting to leave the comfort of the Jeep. "No one left behind!" Stiles cheered his motto as he parked the Jeep and hoped out.

"My boyfriend, ladies and gentlemen." I sassed as the others got down. "You know how to pick them." Malia teased, slinging her arm around my shoulder. I snort. I do, don't I. 

“Still can't reach Kira.” Scott muttered when we found him pacing in the hospital hallway checking his phone. 

“Okay, you reminded her about tonight, though, right?” I asked and Scott nodded. “I think so. She only texted me once this week.” 

Stiles frowns. “Once? How'd you guys leave things when she left for New York?” 

“Well, they were good." Scott said with a lovely douby smile. "Yeah, I just said, you know, "Don't worry about anything. Just go and have fun."

Stiles paused and I will admit that I did too. “You didn't." Stiles gasped. "You told her to "go have fun?"

“Why?" Scott questioned, confused. Jesus, he really is an adorable idiot. "What's wrong with that?” 

Stiles shakes his head. “Just... I don't know. That can be interpreted a lot of different ways.” 

“Like what?” Scott asked.

“Well, like, "Don't worry, we're not exclusive-- go have fun with other guys."

Scott shakes his head, not believing a single word that left Stiles' mouth. “No. No way–“ 

I sighed and headed towards Malia to prove my point. “Malia, if you were going away, and I told you "Don't worry, go have fun," what would you think I was talking about?” 

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