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‧₊°︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶ ‧₊˚

E D E N   F E Y R E

"WHAT DID HE LOOK LIKE, AGAIN?" Lilea questions, lifting herself up on to the counter behind me.

Blonde hair, blue eyes and a killer smile.

"I've told you atleast a dozen times already," I answer, attaching the red lead to Judes collar.

Lilea sips at her hot chocolate, fingers wrapping around the steaming mug, "Tell me again,"

I sigh, she sure knows how to get me talking.

But, there isn't a lot more to say without repeating myself. He is just a stranger who just so happened to be around the corner holding a boiling cup of coffee. They do say, your miracle could be just around the corner though.

Jude jumps up, paws landing on my leg, which she scratches at desperately, trying to hurry me up.

"Blonde hair, blue eyes and... did I mention, he dumped coffee down me?"

Lilea sat the mug down, beside her, "Hey, if he dumped coffee over me, I'd thank him,"

"Even if he ruined your favourite jumper?" I ask, standing up.

She thinks for a moment, before shaking her head, "Only if its the green one,"


From the dish, I hook out my keys, "I hate to cut this short, Lilea but if we want those marshmallows..."

At this, she perks up. Jumping down from the counter, she gives Jude a quick pat on the head, "Pink marshmallows - the giant ones," She grins.

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