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     I woke up the next morning ready for a full day in work. I walked to work this morning, music on and grabbing a coffee for my girls. The sun was shining once again and I wore my black summery dress to get some air circulating around my body. The moment I walked past the pub my phone rung seeing JJ face. "Hello my darling" I giggled. "Mmmm good morning". "What you got going on today". "I had an early session at the gym at the studio now until late, then gotta film tonight". " what time till". "About 11ish going into Harrods for hide and seek". "I can come pick you and Simon and take you home". "Please baby". "Of course, I'll see you later love you". "Love you baby".
I arrived at work given the girls they're coffee greeting jade and Hannah at front desk. 'How are' I asked. 'Busy busy again today' Jade answered. 'Good that's how we like it' I laughed. Jade and Hannah was happy working at the front of desk, they change over with other girls who are trained on reception and join us in the studio room. 'Faith is coming in later, she has a event' Hannah spoke. 'Oh yeah she did tell me, for tik tok I think'. I got up stairs got my diary out and seen I had 3 makeup and 1-1 lesson today.
As the day went on by so did time and it went fast. Faith came in and greeted us with doughnuts. 'See this is why she's my favourite' Aria laughed. 'Hiya you ok' I hugged her. 'Yeah not too bad how are you all'. 'We're all alright'. 'Where you going tonight' Jade asked. 'I got a Tik Tok event I was asked to go to so should be a laugh' she spoke more about the event. I seen the time and saw that it was 6:30. We had finished our clients and started to clean and prep for tomorrow day ahead of us. 'Where you going tonight em' Hannah asked. 'I'm going to JJ place, going to pick JJ and Simon up'.
After leaving work I had food with the girls and drove to JJ house seeing Talia there. 'Elloooo lovely you ok' she hugged me. 'Good Thankyou girly how are you'. 'I'm goood! Been at the studio all day'. 'How's it going'. 'Good more songs written and got my first performance next week so can't wait' she squealed. She got us some wine as we watched some tv. 'How's the house hunting going' I asked her. 'We have seen a few that we both like it's actually sitting down and deciding now'. 'Yeah I understand, it's a big decision for you guys'. 'We need space for our own gaming room and hopefully have a family in the furture'. ' Nawhh little Talia and Simon running around' I laughed.
It was 11;30 and I was waiting outside of Harrods for the boys. JJ had text he was on his way down with a present he had got me. They both came in the car as I waved at the other boys. 'Hey you ok' I asked. 'Yes now I am' JJ kissed my lips. 'How was your day em' Simon asked me. 'It was ok thanks busy at the studio and me and Talia had food and glass of wine'. 'Oooo fancy' JJ laughed. 'So what you got me' I said containing to drive home. ' I got you theeeee HARRY POTTER LEGO CASTLE'. 'Oh my fucking god thank you so much I love you' I squeezed his leg. I love Harry Potter and of obviously the man who got it for me.

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